Writing Task 1

IELTS(アイエルツ)7.0対策 – Writing Task 1



IELTS Writing Task 1 General information










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タスク2からスタートさせ、タスク2を40分(できれば38分)で終わらせる。その後タスク1に残りの20分を使う。(Task 1とTask 2は合わせて1時間、どちらから始めてもよい)






文字と文字の間隔が広いと最低文字数に達していない場合がある。Paper basedテストの場合、自分が普通に書いて1行に何文字書くかを本番の用紙を使って把握しておくこと。








E.g.) 1982年から2002年までのある市立図書館でのジャンル別の本の貸出割合



E.g.) ある国の”ある年”のUKと日本からの種類別の食料品輸入割合


棒グラフ (Bar chart)


折れ線グラフ (Line chart)


円グラフ (Pie chart)


表 (Table)


地図 (Map)

e.g., 街の昔と今 (or 将来), 火山噴火前と後の変化

プロセス (Process)

e.g., アルミ缶のリサイクル工程




  1. Task achievement
  2. Coherence and cohesion
  3. Lexical resource
  4. Grammatical range and accuracy






Task 1は難しい単語を入れようと努力するよりも正確にこの4点をおさえること。

Task achievement


  • addresses the requirements of the task
  • presents an overview with information appropriately selected
  • presents and adequately highlights key features/ bullet points but details may be irrelevant, inappropriate or inaccurate


  • covers the requirements of the task
  • presents a clear overview of main trends, differences or stages
  • clearly presents and highlights key features/bullet points and/or word formation but could be more fully extended

7.0を獲得するにはTask achievementにおいて、次の3点をクリアする必要がある。

1. covers the requirements of the task


covers the requirements of the taskの”requirement”とは問題文のことで、大体の問題文は”Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. “となっている。


2. presents a clear overview of main trends, differences or stages


3. clearly presents and highlights key features/bullet points and/or word formation but could be more fully extended


Coherence and cohesion


  • arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progression
  • uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical
  • may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately


  • logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout
  • uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use

7.0を獲得するにはCoherence and cohesionにおいて、次の2点をクリアする必要がある。

1. logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout



2. uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use


Signposting words (文の先頭にあるその文と前の文との関係を示す語句)を適切に使うこと。何を比較しているのか、どのような特徴を言いたいのかを明確にさせる。

Signposting wordsの使い方


1月:4000 tonから始まり

2月:1000 ton増加(5000 ton)

3月:4000 tonに戻る

3月から7月:4000 tonを保つ

8月:3000 tonちょっとまで下がる

9月:5000 tonにまで増加

9月から12月:1000 tonにまでだんだんと下がる

* tonnes: British English, tons: American English

Signposting wordがない文 = 単調にいつどうなったかが書かれているだけの文

The amount of steel manufactured started from 4000 tonnes in January. It increased by 1000 tonnes in February and reverted back to 4000 tonnes in March. The amount levelled off between March and July at the 4000 mark. In August, this figure dropped to just above 3000 tonnes. It surged to nearly 5000 tonnes in September. From September to December, it continuously declined to just under 1000 tonnes in December.

Signposting wordがる文(+ 時間の経過の表現を変更) = 読み進めながらグラフを想像しやすい文

The line graph illustrates the amount of steel manufactured every month during a year with starting from 4000 tonnes in January. After that, the figure increased by 1000 tonnes in the next month before reverting back to 4000 tonnes in March. Subsequently, the amount levelled off at the 4000 mark until July.  Furthermore, in the following month, there was a drop to just above 3000 tonnes. Although it surged to nearly 5000 tonnes in September, the quantity continuously declined from October to December to just under 1000 tonnes, which is less than a quarter of the figure in January.

絶対覚えておくべきSignposting words


With respect to …/ In terms of … / With regards to …/ As for …/ Concerning…


Furthermore, … / Moreover, …


Similarly, … / Likewise, … / Also, …


By contrast, … / Unlike …/ Conversely, …


Although … / Even though … / However, …/ Nevertheless, …/Despite, …


Therefore, … / Subsequently, … /  As a result (of), …/ As a consequence (of), …


After that, … / …, after then …

複数のグラフ・表が問題に与えられたときは、ボディ1:”According to—” / ボディ2:”Turning to —-“のSignposting wordsでスタートさせて、それぞれのパラグラフがどのグラフについて書かれているかを明確にする。

ボディ1:According to the pie chart, water consumption in residences, namely apartments and houses, made up a 70% share of the total, with apartments and houses standing at 57% and 13%, respectively.

—-(続)その他Pie chartから言えること

ボディ2:Turning to the bar chart, the main purpose of water consumption in residences was for bathrooms and gardens at approximately 28% each, meaning that the majority of water was used for these two purposes.

—-(続)その他bar chartから言えること

Lexical resource


  • uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task
  • attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy
  • makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication


  • uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
  • uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation
  • may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation

7.0を獲得するにはLexical resourceにおいて、次の3点をクリアする必要がある。

1. uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision



The number of burglaries started in first place out of the three kinds of crimes, standing at just below 3500 in 2003, before slightly increasing to nearly 3800 in 2004. After that, the number of burglaries continuously decreased to approximately 1200 in 2008. Subsequently, after it showed an increasing trend to just below 1500 in 2009, the figure levelled off at 1500 until 2012.


The number of burglaries started in first place out of the three kinds of crimes, standing at just below 3500 in 2003, before slightly increasing to nearly 3800 in 2004. After that, the figure continuously dropped to approximately 1200 in 2008. Subsequently, after it showed an upward trend to just below 1500 in the next year, the figure plateaued at the same level until the end of the period.


number of burglaries ⇒ the figure

Increasing ⇒ upward (decreaseももう一回出てくる場合にはdropなどに変える)

2009 ⇒ the next year (すべてin 20XXと書かない)

2012 ⇒ the end of the period (すべてin 20XXと書かない)

1500 ⇒ the same level (すべての数字をダイレクトに書かない)

2. uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation


Writing Task 2のLexical resourceでも同じようにコロケーションは大切になるが、Task 1ではグラフ・表の説明ではTask 2ほどコロケーションに注意する場面は多くない。

3. may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation


書き言葉で書かれていること(Speakingで加点要素になったPhrasal verbなどは話し言葉で、Writingでは減点要素になるので注意!)

Grammatical range and accuracy


  • uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
  • makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication


  • uses a variety of complex structures
  • produces frequent error-free sentences
  • has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors

7.0を獲得するにはGrammatical range and accuracyにおいて、次の3点をクリアする必要がある。

1. uses a variety of complex structures

いろいろな構文をいれること。全ての構文が能動態で同じ主語の文を繰り返してしまうとスコアは伸びない。意識的に受動態、能動態、There is/are構文や単文(S+Vのみの文)と複文(S+V 接続詞 S+V)を混ぜてGrammatical rangeの広さをアピールして得点につなげる。


思いついた文が、能動態、受動態、There is/are構文、分詞構文、付帯状況のwith、接続詞(conversely → while/whereas)に変換できないかを常に考えながら書く。


The number of emigrants that Australia accepted in 2004 and 2005 was around 40,000 in each year. The figure surged to just above 50,000 in 2006 and dropped to approximately 43,000 the next year. The number of emigrants entering Spain was different. The figure stood at about 35,000 in 2004 and also in 2005. The number declined to about 33,000 in 2006 and further decreased to about 28,000 in 2007.


Australia accepted around 40,000 emigrants in 2004 and 2005, while the number surged to just above 50,000 in 2006 and dropped to approximately 43,000 the next year. A different trend was seen in Spain with the number standing at about 35,000 in 2004 and also in 2005, before declining to about 33,000 in 2006. In the subsequent year, there was a further decrease to about 28,000.

  • 無生物主語:Australiaが主語
  • 能動態:the numberが主語
  • 受動態:A different trendが主語
  • There is/are構文の使用

2. produces frequent error-free sentences


3. has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors









「2010年にburglaryの数は3500からスタートした」、「2011年に(3500から)数百上がった」などは”began — in 2010″や”increased — in 2011″で、「(その後)2015年にかけて1000まで下がった」などは”decreased — until 2015″のように過去形で書く。

With regards to burglary, the number began at just below 3500 cases in 2010, which was the highest among the three categories, before increasing by a few hundred in 2011 and then declining continuously until 2015 to just 1000. After that, the figure rose to nearly 1500 in 2016 and levelled off until 2018, before dropping slightly to just under 1500 in 2019.



この場合、1982年から1992年にかけて10年間で20%から25%に増えた。1992年にいきなり20%から25%に増えたのではないので”increased — in 1992″とは書けない。

例えば、Adult fictionは、過去完了を使って”1992年まで(by 1992)”に(20%から)25%に増えたと表現するか、過去形で”1982年から2002年の間に(During the decade from 1982 to 2002)”(20%から)5%増えたと表現する。

過去形でincreased by 5% in 1992と書いてしまうと、1992年に5%増えたことになってしまう。ただし、1982年に20%だったというのは過去の事実なので、stood at 20% (one fifth) in 1982と過去形で書く。

The categories of adult fiction and children’s fiction underwent continuous growth. Both stood at one fifth in 1982, and the former had grown to a quarter and the latter had risen by 2% by 1992. During the two decades from 1982 to 2002, adult fiction sales more than doubled to represent 45% and children’s fiction rose by 5%, resulting in the subtotal proportion of these two genres making up a 70% share in 2002.








By 2010, the library had been replaced with an art museum.



The library was replaced with an art museum.





The library has been replaced with an art museum.



The library was replaced with an art museum.




The footpath has been changed to a cycling road.



The footpath was changed to a cycling road.





Demolition of the university buildings will have been completed by 2030.






ダイナミック/スタティック グラフ・表

be expected (to do), expectedly, expect

It is expected that the figure will increase continuously from 2023 to 2025.

The figure is expected to increase continuously from 2023 to 2025.

The continuous increase of the figure is expected from 2023 to 2025.

Expectedly, the figure will increase continuously from 2023 to 2025.

Experts/people expect that the figure will increase continuously from 2023 to 2025.

be projectedpredicted (to do)

be forecast / estimated (to do)



The library, which is currently on the east side of the city, is planned to be relocated to the north side.

The museum is scheduled to be renovated to facilitate a new step-free access toilet.

plan (名詞)

The university has a plan to renovate the library to install new computers and printers.

be (due) to do

The road is to be paved and trees are to be planted alongside the pavement. (道路は舗装され、木々が植えられる予定)

The hospital is due to be constructed next to the school in 2030. (2030年に学校の隣に病院ができる予定)

IELTS Writing Task 1 How to Write

Writing Task 1の構成

パラグラフ構成 解説







問題文)The graph below shows the number of tourist and business person vising Japan between 2010 and 2020.



全体の大きな特徴 の概要を書く。 ”Overall—”からスタートして、大雑把な特徴を書く。基本数字は入れない。







イントロダクションパラグラフ (パラグラフ1)



Writingの最初の1文は、ブラフ/表/地図/プロセスが何を表しているのかを書くことからスタートする。何を表しているかは問題文に書いてあるので(Ex. The chart below shows —)、1文目では問題文をパラフレイズすることになる。(問題文のコピペは絶対にダメ)



全ての単語を変える必要はない。パラフレイズはあくまで違う単語や語句での言い換え。単語の説明ではない(NG: student ⇒ a person who is studying at a school.)


The chart below shows the changes that took place in three different areas of crime in Mexico City from 2010 to 2019.


The line graph illustrates how the number of criminal incidents in three categories in Mexico City changed between 2010 and 2019.


The charts show information about the percentage of men and women aged 60-64 who were employed in four countries in 2000 and 2020.


The two bar graphs compare four countries in terms of the proportion of males and females in employment aged between 60 and 64 in 2000 and 2020.





3.名詞 を ”how + 動詞”にパラフレイズ





同意語(同じ意味の違う単語)を検索する場合には、”XXX synonym”と検索


結構多くの頻度で”give information on—”か”show”が問題文に使われている。これらは必ずillustrate, demonstrate, compareなど違う動詞に置き換える。

(Q) : Question / (P) : Paraphrase


(Q) give information on—/show ⇔ (P) illustrate ⇔ (P) demonstrate


(Q) give information on—/show ⇔ (P) compare — in terms of — ⇔ (P) compare — across (A and B) ⇔ (P) provide a comparison between -A- and -B-.

compare — across — (A and B)の使い方

This graph compares the trends of electricity demand in a day across summer and winter.

The pie chart compares the proportion of water consumption across six different categories.

(six different categories: 6つに分けられたフィールド間(industry, residential, business…)での比較)

The table compares the proportion of young children studying English across four types of secondary schools in 2000, 2005 and 2009.



(Q) amount of goods transported ⇔ (P) amount of goods carried

(Q) when they go to live in other countries ⇔ (P) when they move to foreign countries

名詞をパラフレイズ (Google: 〇〇〇 synonym(同意語)で検索)

(Q) percentage ⇔ (P) proportion (proportion: 割合(%)は頻出単語なので必ず覚える)

(Q) (line) chart⇔(P) (line) graph

(Q) use ⇔ (P) consumption

(Q) demand (for) ⇔ (P) need (for)

(Q) projections ⇔ (P) predictions : 未来の場合

(Q) (from) outside of the country ⇔ (P) (from) different regions/foreign countries

(Q) (by) country of origin ⇔ (P) (by) original nations

(Q) amount of goods transported ⇔ (P) quantity of goods transported

(Q) pupils ⇔ (P) young children

(Q) challenges that people face⇔ (P) difficulties that people face

(Q) kinds of ⇔ (P) genres of

(Q) area ⇔ (P) category

3.名詞 を ”how + 動詞”にパラフレイズ

(Q) changes that took place in three different areas of crime

⇔ (P) how the number of incidents of crime in three categories changed

(Q) changes of the arrangement ⇔ (P) how the arrangement changed

(Q) process of car manufacturing ⇔ (P) process of how cars are manufactured


(Q) yearly ⇔ (P) annually

(Q) every year ⇔ (P) annual

(Q) weekly ⇔ (P) per week

(Q) yearly ⇔ (P) per year

(Q) from 2003 to 2008⇔ (P) between 2003 and 2008

(Q) in 1980, 2000 and 2020 ⇔ (P) from 1980 to 2020 at two-decade intervals


at fiveyear intervals = 1995 → 2000 → 2005 → 2010

at twodecade intervals = 1950 → 1970 → 1990 → 2010

(Q) for two weeks ⇔ (P) over a two-week period

(Q) from January to December⇔ (P) throughout a year / over a year

(Q) from 2000 ⇔ (P) from 2000 onwards (2000年以降続く場合)

The population in Japan began to decrease from 2000 onwards: 日本の人口は2000年以降が始まった。


(Q) charts ⇔ (P) pie charts

(Q) sales ⇔ (P) sales figures/data

(Q) price of tickets on one airline ⇔ (P) fluctuations in airline ticket price

(Q) consumption of dairy products ⇔ (P) amount of milk and butter consumed

(Q) university sports courts ⇔ (P) layout of sports facilities in a university

(Q) residents living in Australia ⇔ (P) the number of residents in Australia

(Q) according to different nationalities and areas ⇔ (P) by nationalities and their residing areas

(Q) in some countries ⇔ (P) in four countries (nations)

(Q) total number of minutes of telephone calls ⇔ (P) how many minutes people in the UK spent on phone calls

(Q) in two seasons ⇔ (P) in summer and winter

(Q) genres of books sold by a bookseller ⇔ (P) categorised breakdown of books sold by a bookseller

(Q) expertise ⇔ (P) a high level of knowledge or skills.


(Q) amount of goods transported ⇔ (P) quantity of goods which were carried

(Q) number of visitors in the UK ⇔ (P)number of people who visited the UK

(Q) books sold by a bookseller ⇔ (P) books which were sold by a bookseller


(Q) and ⇔ (P) as well as



of —ing

This diagram illustrates the process of recycling plastic bottles.


This diagram illustrates how plastic bottles are recycled.

by which

This diagram illustrates the process by which plastic bottles are recycled.





ダイナミックグラフ・表 Overallで使える単語・表現



上っている傾向にある:an upward trend / an increasing trend / a growing trend

下がっている傾向にある:a downward trend/ a decreasing trend / a declining trend

どのようなTrendかを表すのに使える動詞はshow, see, undergo, experienceの4つをおさえる。(同じ動詞の繰り返しではスコアはでないので、上がっているTrendと下がっているTrendで動詞は変える)

The amount of meat exported underwent an upward trend, while that imported saw a downward trend.

The population of London showed an increasing trend, while that of Tokyo underwent a decreasing trend.

The sales of electric cars in Japan experienced a growing trend, while that of diesel cars saw a declining trend.




接続詞:while / whereas (whereasは文頭では使えない)

The export of furniture showed an upward trend, while/whereas that of computers underwent a downward trend.

副詞:conversely, However (反対に), similarly (同様に)

The export of furniture showed an upward trend. Conversely, the trade volume of computers underwent a downward trend.

The export of meat showed an upward trend. Similarly, the trade volume of fish exported increased during the period surveyed.

前置詞(句):unlike, in comparison, on the other hand, in contrast

Unlike the export of furniture, which showed an upward trend, the trade volume of computers underwent a downward trend.

The export of furniture showed an upward trend. In comparison, the trade volume of computers underwent a downward trend.

The export of furniture increased during the period. On the other hand, the trade volume of computers underwent a downward trend.



A higher amount of energy is consumed in winter than in summer.

The typical daily demand for electricity in England is generally higher in winter than in summer.



  • 一番大きいもの/小さいものは何か?
  • 大半を占めるもの(Majority)と少数派のもの(Minority)は何か?


スタティックグラフ・表 Overall使える単語・表現



Meat sales represented the highest proportion in 2020.

Meat was the most sold product in 2020.

The most sold product in 2020 was meat.


Meat sales represented the lowest proportion in 2020.

Meat was the least sold product in 2020.

The least sold product in 2020 was meat.


A higher/greater amount of energy is consumed in winter than in summer.

The typical daily demand for electricity in England is generally higher in winter than in summer.

A lot more people live in cities than the countryside.

Exports from the UK to European nations are higher than those to Asian countries, except for the electrical and instrument engineering sectors.

大半を占める (majority, over half, sizable)

Meat sales took the majority share of international trade in 2020.

The majority of energy is consumed for heating purposes in winter.

The vast majority of water use in Japan is in the residential sector, and the biggest uses of that water are for bathrooms and gardens.

Over half of the water that was used in residential areas was consumed in bathrooms and gardens.

Meat accounted for a sizeable proportion of international trade in 2020.

a number of —は「いくつかの」「何人かの」の意味で”多くの”の意味ではない。


add a number of new features for —:—のためのいくつかの新機能を追加する

add a significant number of new features for —:—のための多くの新機能を追加する

少数派 (minority)

The minority of the students decided to study further on a postgraduate course.

Those who did advanced study while working part-time represented a small minority of the students.



接続詞:while / whereas (whereasは文頭では使えない)

Furniture sales took the largest share, while/whereas those of computers was the smallest.

Young people face difficulties in making friends, while/whereas older people face problems in learning the language of a foreign country.

The oldest group drink milk the most, while/whereas those in the young group eat butter the most.

副詞:conversely (反対に)

 Furniture sales generated the largest profit. Conversely, the sale of computers brought the smallest revenue. (Furniture sales: 家具の売上げ(数値)、sale: 販売(活動))

前置詞(句):unlike, in comparison, on the other hand, compared to, in contrast to

Unlike furniture sales, which generated the largest profit, the sale of computers brought the smallest revenue. (Furniture sales: 家具の売上げ(数値)、sale: 販売(活動))

Furniture sales generated the largest profit. In comparison / On the other hand, the sale of computers brought the smallest revenue. (Furniture sales: 家具の売上げ(数値)、sale: 販売(活動))

In terms of butter consumption, younger people use / eat the least at just 15g per day, in contrast to 30g for those over the age of 60.


傾向にある:tend to

People over 55 years old tend not to have trouble finding new accommodation, compared to those in the other age groups.

Australians tended to prefer living in rural areas.

Younger people tend to consume less milk and butter, especially teenagers.


Australians are more likely to live in the countryside with one fifth of them doing so.

傾向にある:opt for

 Students studying science opt for taking classes of math and physics.

地図 Overall使える単語・表現

地図のOverallは大雑把にものを表す単語(facilities, equipment, amenities, buildings, road)と大雑把に変化を表す単語(modification, amendment, replacement)を使って書く。


(Overall,) this development includes / will include increasing the number of boarding gates, adding new facilities and relocating the existing facilities.

(Overall,) the principal change will be the increase in the number of laboratories and the relocation of the main road running through the campus.

(Overall,) the major change planned is the addition of a new science department on the left side of the university.


(Overall,) dramatic amendments were seen in the library in terms of its facilities and equipment.

(Overall,) this development included / has included increasing the number of boarding gates, adding new facilities and relocating the existing facilities.

(Overall,) the university has undergone many improvements in terms of access to the laboratories.

プロセス Overall使える単語・表現



2.circular process か linear process

  • Circular process : リサイクル(製品の処分→リサイクル(製品)→製品の処分)など一周まわるプロセス
  • Linear process : 何かを作る工程(作って終わり)のプロセス)




(Overall,) it is a circular process containing nine stages from collecting used bottles to making recycled products.

consist of

(Overall,) this is a linear process which consists of eleven steps from drying animal skin to making the final leather products.

comprise of

(Overall,) this circular process is comprised of three main stages including collection, followed by cleaning, and finally producing some items.

There are

(Overall,) there are three main steps / procedures to this entirely manual process.

—から始まり—までの: beginning with —, followed by —

(Overall,) there are three main procedures to this entirely manual process beginning with initial transportation of the raw material to the factory, followed by preparation and processing of the material, and finally the manufacture of consumer products.

Overall サンプル


全体の傾向に例外がある場合には「一部を除いて(except for —)、全体では—」の書き方でよい。

Overallで全体の傾向を書いた後に追加で書く特徴があれば、Furthermore, —として入れる。例)「(期間を通してAとBの売り上げは上昇傾向だった)Furthermore, Aの売り上げは常に最も大きかった」など。

ダイナミックグラフ・表 Overall サンプル


The line graph illustrates the amount of paper, sawn-wood and wood pulp produced between 1980 and 2000 at ten-year intervals. Overall, the production of paper underwent an upward trend, whereas manufacturing of the other materials showed a downward trend over the period. Furthermore, the production of paper was always the highest over the 20 years.

この後Body 1にproduction of paperがどのように増えたのか、Body 2にmanufacturing of the other materialsがどのように減ったのかを書く。


Sample 1

The pie charts compare percentages of energy made from several sources in one country in 1985 and 2005. Overall, electricity production from oil and nuclear power decreased whereas that from natural gas, coal and various renewable sources increased. Furthermore, fossil fuel represented the largest share, even after the energy shift.

Sample 2 (同じ問題)

The pie charts compare percentages of energy made from several sources in one country in 1985 and 2005. Overall, this country experienced an energy shift by reducing the use of oil and nuclear power and relying more on natural gas, coal and various renewable sources. Furthermore, fossil fuel represented the largest share, even after the energy shift.

この後Body 1にreducing the use of oil and nuclear powerの詳細、Body 2にrelying more on natural gas, coal and various renewable sourcesの詳細を書く。


The table gives an account of sales figures of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and bananas in five countries in Europe in 1999 and 2004. Overall, except for sales of bananas in Sweden and Denmark, the sales figures of both items increased during the given five years.

この後both items (bananaとcoffee)のsalesについてBody 1にbananaの傾向、Body 2にcoffeeの傾向を書いく

スタティックグラフ・表 Overall サンプル


The table illustrates the amount of milk and butter consumed per week across four age groups in one European country. Overall, the oldest group drinks milk the most and the 45-65 range group eats butter the most, whereas the youngest group consumes both milk and butter the least.



The table illustrates the proportion of difficulties that people face when they move to foreign countries according to different age groups. Overall, as people get older, they find it more challenging to speak foreign languages, but they struggle less with making new friends. Furthermore, people over 55 years old tend not to have trouble finding new accommodation, compared to those in other age groups.

この後ボディ1にforeign languagesについて、ボディ 2にnew accommodation/making new friendsについて書く

地図 Overall サンプル


The two maps compare the layout of a science park from 2008 and the present. Overall, some new facilities have been added by eliminating some greenery, and the function of some amenities has changed. In relation to this renovation, new paths have been made to connect facilities, and a bus stop as well as cycle paths have been newly built.

地図の1つが今のものなので現在完了でsome new facilities have been addedやthe function of some amenities has changedと書いた

この後、ボディ1に緑地に追加された施設と用途変更された施設の詳細(”some new facilities have been added by eliminating some greenery, and the function of some amenities has changed”の詳細)、ボディ2に新設された通路とバス停、自転車道路の詳細(”new paths have been made to connect facilities, and a bus stop as well as cycle paths have been newly built”の詳細)を書く

プロセス Overall サンプル

Linear process

The diagram illustrates how leather products are made from animal skin. Overall, this is a linear process which consists of eleven steps from drying animal skin to making the final products.

この後Body1にプロセスの前半、Body 2にプロセスの後半を書く

Circular process

The diagram illustrates how plastic bottles are recycled. Overall, it is a circular process containing nine stages with both manual and mechanical processes from collecting used bottles to making recycled products.

この後Body1にプロセスの前半、Body 2にプロセスの後半を書く。Body 2には最初の工程に戻ることを書く

ボディパラグラフ (パラグラフ2&パラグラフ3)

ボディ1(パラグラフ2)とボディ2 (バラグラフ3)でイントロダクションで書いたOverallの内容を具体的に書く。






A, Bは上がっている = ボディ1

C, Dは下がっている = ボディ2

ボディ1:A, B

Line A and B underwent an upward trend. Line A, which started in second place at approximately 250, increased to 400 before levelling off at the same figure. After that, it rose to the largest figure of about 550 at the end. Line B also underwent an increase with gradual and continuous growth from just above 0, the lowest among the four lines, to nearly 100.

ボディ2:C, D

Conversely, line C and D saw a downward trend. There was a huge drop in line C from the highest at 650 to second place at 250, although it showed some fluctuations over the period. Line D started at just below 150 and climbed to 200. Then, it showed a continuous decline to the lowest point of about 50. While declining, line C and D were surpassed by line A and B at 400 and 80, respectively.



この表は年齢層別のMilkとButterの消費量とFull/Low fatの割合の比較を表しており、MilkとButterのそれぞれで年齢層別の比較をすることが問題の意図。


Milk の年齢層別消費量の比較= ボディ1

Butterの年齢層別消費量の比較 = ボディ2

もしボディ1:若いグループ(<25 & 26-45)、ボディ2:年配グループ(45-65 & 65+)でグルーピングしてしまうと比較ができない。








ボディ1に地図1の説明、ボディ2に地図2の説明にはしない。ボディ2にはボディ 1で書いた地図1の状態との比較ができるが、ボディ 1には地図1の状態しか書けず比較ができなくなる。



プロセスの前半をBody 1に、後半をBody 2に分ける。

特に比較する要素はないのでどこで分けても基本的にはOKだが、Body 1とBody 2の分量のバランスをよくするために大体プロセスの半分で分ける。


IELTS Writing Task 1 覚えるべき単語・表現・書き方





文法的にどんなに正しくても、同じ単語(例えば、上がる=increase, 下がる=decrease)を毎回使用していたらスコアはでない。一つの意味でも違う言い方(パラフレイズ)をここで紹介するので徹底的に覚えること。


同意語(同じ意味の違う単語)を検索する場合には、”XXX synonym”と検索

Meat consumption in the UKの例

このブラフを表すのに、同じ単語が繰り返されている文 (動詞だけではなく主語も同じ単語が連発されている)

With regards to the domestic consumption of meat in the UK, it was only 20,000 tonnes per year in 2010. It increased significantly to 25,000 tonnes in 2011 before increasing slightly to 26,000 and 27,000 tonnes in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The consumption remained the same at 27,000 between 2014 and 2018, and then the figure decreased to 24,000 tonnes in 2019. After that, the consumption remained the same at 24,000 tonnes until 2023.


With regards to the domestic consumption of meat in the UK, it was only 20,000 tonnes per year in 2010, which was the lowest during the recent 13 years. The figure surged to 25,000 in the subsequent year before increasing slightly to 26,000 and 27,000 tonnes in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The quantity of meat eaten domestically in the country plateaued between 2014 and 2018 at 27,000 tonnes, and then the amount dropped to 24,000 tonnes in 2019. After that, the volume levelled off until 2023 at 24,000 tonnes.




動詞 increase/grow/rise/climb/soar(急)/jump(急) 



  • The population increased to three million from one million.
  • The population grew to three million from one million.
  • The population rose to three million from one million.
  • The population climbed to three million from one million.
  • The population soared to three million from one million. (急に増えた)
  • The population jumped to three million from one million. (急に増えた)


  • The population increased by two million.
  • The population grew by two million.
  • The population rose by two million.
  • The population climbed by two million.
  • The population soared by two million. (急に増えた)
  • The population jumped by two million. (急に増えた)

増減を表す動詞には原則として数字を表す名詞が主語になる。人やモノやその他名詞を主語にできないので注意。ただし、population, value, sale, consumption, trafficは増減を表す主語にできる。

○ The population hasincreased.

○ The number of accidents has increased. (数字を表す名詞”number of —“が主語)

Accidents have increased. (Accidentsが主語:ダメ)

名詞 an increase/ a growth/ a rise/ a climb



see + an increase/ a growth/ a rise/ a climb

  • The city saw an increase in population from one million to three million.
  • The city saw a growth in population from one million to three million.
  • The city saw a rise in population from one million to three million.
  • The city saw a climb in population from one million to three million.

undergo + an increase/ a growth/ a rise/ a climb

  • The city underwent an increase in population from one million to three million.
  • The city underwent a growth in population from one million to three million.
  • The city underwent a rise in population from one million to three million.
  • The city underwent a climb in population from one million to three million.

experience + an increase/ a growth/ a rise/ a climb

  • The city experienced an increase in population from one million to three million.
  • The city experienced a growth in population from one million to three million.
  • The city experienced a rise in population from one million to three million.
  • The city experienced a climb in population from one million to three million.

show + an increase/ a growth/ a rise/ a climb (注意:主語はthe cityにならない)

  • The graph showed an increase in population of the city from one million to three million.
  • The graph showed a growth in population of the city from one million to three million.
  • The graph showed a rise in population of the city from one million to three million.
  • The graph showed a climb in population of the city from one million to three million.

There is/are構文


  • There was an increase in population from one million to three million in the city.
  • There was a growth in population from one million to three million in the city.
  • There was a rise in population from one million to three million in the city.
  • There was a climb in population from one million to three million in the city.

to, by, ofの使い分けに注意

increaseを動詞で使った場合:increased from 100 to 300 = increased by 200

increaseを名詞で使った場合:an increase from 100 to 300 = an increase of 200


動詞 decrease/decline/drop/fall/go down

decrease/decline/drop/fall/go downはどれを書いても同じ意味なのでdecreaseを1回使ったら、次はdecline、その次はdrop、その次はfallを使うと決めておく。(go downはインフォーマルな書き方にも捉えられるのであまりお勧めしない)


  • The population decreased to one million from three million.
  • The population declined to one million from three million.
  • The population dropped to one million from three million.
  • The population fell to one million from three million.


  • The population decreased by two million.
  • The population declined by two million.
  • The population dropped by two million.
  • The population fell by two million.

増減を表す動詞には原則として数字を表す名詞が主語になる。人やモノやその他名詞を主語にできないので注意。ただし、population, value, sale, consumption, trafficは増減を表す主語にできる。

○ The population has decreased.

○ The number of accidents has decreased. (数字を表す名詞”number of —“が主語)

Accidents have decreased. (Accidentsが主語:ダメ)

名詞 a decrease/a decline/a drop


see + a decrease/a decline/a drop

  • The city saw a decrease in population from three million to one million.
  • The city saw a decline in population from three million to one million.
  • The city saw a drop in population from three million to one million.

undergo + a decrease/a decline/a drop

  • The city underwent a decrease in population from three million to one million.
  • The city underwent a decline in population from three million to one million.
  • The city underwent a drop in population from three million to one million.

experience + a decrease/a decline/a drop

  • The city experienced a decrease in population from three million to one million.
  • The city experienced a decline in population from three million to one million.
  • The city experienced a drop in population from three million to one million.

show+ a decrease/a decline/a drop

  • The graph showed a decrease in population of the city from three million to one million.
  • The graph showed a decline in population of the city from three million to one million.
  • The graph showed a drop in population of the city from three million to one million.

There is/are構文


  • There was a decrease in population from three million to one million in the city.
  • There was a decline in population from three million to one million in the city.
  • There was a drop in population from three million to one million in the city.

to, by, ofの使い分けに注意

decreaseを動詞で使った場合:decreased from 300 to 100 = decreased by 200

decreaseを名刺で使った場合:a decrease from 300 to 100 = a decrease of 200









  • 2倍:The sales doubled from 2010 to 2020.
  • 3倍:The sales tripled from 2010 to 2020.
  • 4倍:The sales quadrupled from 2010 to 2020.
  • 5倍:The sales quintupled from 2010 to 2020.


  • Compared to a decade ago, the number of people eating hamburgers has tripled (from 5 to 15 million).

—fold : 倍を表す副詞/形容詞








increase(動) + —fold(副)

  • 2倍:The sales increased twofold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 3倍:The sales increased threefold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 4倍:The sales increased fourfold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 5倍:The sales increased fivefold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 10倍:The sales increased tenfold from 2010 to 2020.

rise(動) + —fold(副)

  • 2倍:The sales rose twofold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 3倍:The sales rose threefold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 4倍:The sales rose fourfold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 5倍:The sales rose fivefold from 2010 to 2020.
  • 10倍:The sales rose tenfold from 2010 to 2020.


  • Compared to a decade ago, the number of people eating hamburgers has increased threefold (from 5 to 15 million).




  • 2倍:There was a twofold increase in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 3倍:There was a threefold increase in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 4倍:There was a fourfold increase in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 5倍:There was a fivefold increase in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 10倍:There was a tenfold increase in the sales from 2010 to 2020.


  • 2倍:There was a twofold rise in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 3倍:There was a threefold rise in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 4倍:There was a fourfold rise in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 5倍:There was a fivefold rise in the sales from 2010 to 2020.
  • 10倍:There was a tenfold rise in the sales from 2010 to 2020.


2倍:two times

3倍:three times

4倍:four times

5倍:five times

10倍:ten times


  • 2倍:The sales in 2020 were two times higher than in 2010.
  • 3倍:The sales in 2020 were three times higher than in 2010.
  • 4倍:The sales in 2020 were four times higher than in 2010.
  • 5倍:The sales in 2020 were five times higher than in 2010.
  • 10倍:The sales in 2020 were ten times higher than in 2010.


  • 2倍:The sales doubled in the 2000s.
  • 3倍:The sales grew/increased by three times in the 2000s.
    • The sales tripled in the 2000s.
  • 4倍:The sales grew/increased by four times in the 2000s.
    • The sales quadrupled in the 2000s.
  • 5倍:The sales grew/increased by five times in the 2000s.
    • The sales quintupled in the 2000s.
  • 10倍:The sales grew/increased by six times in the 2000s.


  • The number of people eating fish and chips was three times as many as people eating pizzas.



The value of exports decreased from £100 to £50 million.

The value of exports decreased from £100 million to half that value.

The value of exports halved from £100 million.

X分のYを表す表現 (X/Y:Xは数字でYは 序数 → Xが1以外なら序数にsがつく)

1/2: half

1/3: one third

1/4: quarter

2/5: two fifths

3/4: three quarters

5/7: five sevenths

The sales declined from £3000 per month to nearly one third that figure.(売上げは£3000から1/3(£1000)に減った)

= The sales declined by two thirds from £3000.

The number of annual visitors decreased from 1 million to a quarter of that number. (訪問者は100万人から1/4(25万人)に減った)

= The number of annual visitors decreased by three quarters from 1 million. (3/4減った)

“to”は最終的な値、”by”は変化量(差)を表す。つまり、1/3”に”減る(decline to nearly one third:最終的にもとの1/3になる)は2/3減る(decline by two thirds:もとの2/3の分減る)ということ。


The sales halved during the decade.(売上げは10年で半分になった)




London overtook Tokyo in terms of population density in 2020.


The population of London exceeded 10 million in 2020.


London surpassed Tokyo in terms of population density in 2020.

The population of London surpassed 10 million in 2020.



peak (at) (peak: 動詞)

The sales peaked at three million USD in 2023.

reach a peak (at) (peak: 名詞)

The sales reached a peak of three million USD in 2023.

注)peakを動詞で使う場合:peak at、peakを名詞で使う場合:a peak of

reach the highest figure/point (at)

The sales reached the highest point of three million USD in 2023.



reach the lowest figure/point

The sales reached the lowest figure of three million USD in 2023.

The sales reached the lowest point of three million USD in 2023.

fall to the lowest figure/point

The sales fell to the lowest figure of three million USD in 2023.

The sales fell to the lowest point of three million USD in 2023.

hit a low of

The sales hit a low of three million USD in 2023.

* hit rock bottom(最低値に達する)は口語表現なのでWriting Task1では使わない




The population in the city plateaued at 3 million from 1990 to 2000.

(plateauを動詞で使う場合:plateau at、 plateauを名詞で使う場合:(reached) a plateau of)

stay unchanged / remain unchanged / remain stable

The population in the city stayed unchanged at 3 million from 1990 to 2000.

The population in the city remained unchanged at 3 million from 1990 to 2000.

The population in the city remained stable at 3 million from 1990 to 2000.

hover (微動)

The number of burglaries hovered at around 4000 from 1999 to 2002.



The population increased by 0.1 million from 2000 to 2010 and stabilised at 10 million after that.

The population increased by 0.1 million from 2000 to 2010 and stagnated at 10 million after that.

level off

The population increased by 0.1 million from 2000 to 2010 and levelled off at 10 million after that.

reach a plateau

The population increased by 0.1 million from 2000 to 2010 and then reached a plateau of 10 million.




Population figures fluctuated between one million and two million from 2010 to 2020.


The two bar graphs illustrate fluctuations in Japanese population numbers.

There were fluctuations in population numbers of between one million and two million.


形容詞や副詞を使ってどのように増えたのか/減ったのかを必ず書く。Writing Task1で大切なのは、読み手が文からグラフ/表を想像できること。形容詞や副詞はその想像を助ける単語で、得点に繋がりやすい。


slight(形) – slightly(副)

marginal(形) – marginally(副)

moderate(形) – moderately(副)

The population increased slightly from 100 million to 101 million during the decade.

The city experienced a slight increase in population from 100 million to 101 million during the decade.


significant(形) – significantly(副)

considerable(形) – considerably(副)

dramatic(形) – dramatically(副)

drastic(形) – drastically(副)

The population increased significantly from 100 million to 300 million during the decade.

The city experienced a significant increase in population from 100 million to 101 million during the decade.


sharp(形) – sharply(副)

sudden(形) – suddenly(副)

rapid(形) – rapidly(副)

steep(形) – steeply(副)

The population increased steeply from 100 million to 150 million during the past decade.

The city experienced a steep increase in population from 100 million to 150 million during the past decade.


stead(形) – steadily(副)

gradual(形) – gradually(副)

slow(形) – slowly(副)

incremental(形) – incrementally(副)

marginal(形) – marginally(副)

The population has increased gradually from 100 million to 150 million during the past five decades. (during the past five decades: 今から過去50年間なので現在完了形を使用)

The city has experienced a gradual increase in population from 100 million to 150 million during the past five decades.


continuous(形) – continuously(副)

steady(形) – steadily(副)

constant(形) – constantly(副)

year by year/day by day

The population has increased continuously from 100 million to 150 million during the past five decades. (during the past five decades: 今から過去50年間なので現在完了形を使用)

The city has experienced a continuous increase in population from 100 million to 150 million during the past five decades.


期間もワンパターンで毎回上がった期間from— to —、下がった期間from— to —ではなく、色々な表現を使て書くこと。

from — to —

The sales increased from 2010 to 2015.

from — onwards (—年以降)

The sales increased from 2010 onwards.

between — and —

The sales increased between 2010 and 2015.

throughout (the period)

The sales increased throughout the period surveyed.


The sales increased during the five years.

The sales increased during the period from 2010 to 2015. The sales increased during the five-year period.


The sales increased over the five years.

The sales increased over the period from 2010 to 2015. = The sales increased over the five-year period.


「2010年から2015年まで売り上げは下がったが、2015年からの5年間は売り上げは上がった」のように連続する期間を表すのにsubsequent/subsequently, followingで表す。


The sales declined from 2010 to 2015, but they grew for the subsequent five years.


Following the decline from 2010 to 2015, the sales grew for/over the next five years.

= The sales declined from 2010 to 2015, but they grew for the next five years.





73% of the population in Sydney are native Australians.

The proportion of native Australians in Sydney is 73% of the population.


There was a very low percentage of old people who took part in any computer-based activities, at 5%.

Over half of the water that was used in residential areas was consumed in bathrooms and gardens, at 29% and 27%, respectively.

stand at (stands at + 数値)

The proportion of native Australians in Sydney stands at 73% of the population.

account for (account for 数値 / account for 説明 at 数値)

account for 数値

The proportion of native Australians in Sydney accounted for 73%.

account for 説明 at 数値

The proportion of native Australians in Sydney accounted for the largest section of the population at 73%.

represent (represent 数値 / represent 説明 at 数値)

represent 数値

The proportion of native Australians in Sydney represents 73%.

The vast majority of the population in Sydney is represented by native Australians at 73%.

represent 説明 at 数値

The proportion of native Australians in Sydney represents the vast majority at 73% of the population.


 take share (at)

Native Australians in Sydney take the largest share of the population at 73%.

with with+名詞 でその名詞に数字を含める

The youngest age group finds making friends the easiest, with a proportion of only 10%.

Toilets and kitchens consumed a lower amount of water compared to bathrooms, with 15% and 10% of the total residential water usage, respectively.



make up

The sales of meat and fish made up 70%, with the former and the latter standing at 57% and 13%, respectively. (former: meat / latter: fish)

The pie chart indicates that 90% of the population in Japan is made up of Japanese people themselves.

The water consumption in residences, namely apartments and houses, made up a 70% share of the total, with apartments and houses standing at 57% and 13%.

account for

The sales of meat and fish accounted for 70%, with the former and the latter standing at 57% and 13%, respectively. (former: meat / latter: fish)

Meat sales accounted for the largest share of total supermarket sales at 40%.


The sales of meat and fish comprised 70%, with the former and the latter standing at 57% and 13%, respectively. (former: meat / latter: fish)


The sales of meat and fish constituted 70%, with the former and the latter standing at 57% and 13%, respectively. (former: meat / latter: fish)



20%:one fifth




75%:three quarters

47%~49%:slightly under/just below/just under a half

51%~53%:slightly over/just above/just over a half

47%~53%:around a half

73% を「75%を少し下回る程度」として表現する場合

The pie chart indicates that just under three quarters of the residents in London are people from the UK.


This bookshop sold relatively equal proportions of each type of genre with History making up one quarter, followed by Adult Fiction, Children’s Fiction, and Biographies all at one fifth, and travel was the lowest at 15%.

(売った本のジャンル:history=25%(a quarter), adult fiction, children’s fiction, biography=各20%(all at one fifth), travel=15%)




The proportion of young people participating in the lesson accounted for 60%, whereas that of middle-aged people and senior people stood at 30% and 10%, respectively.


The proportion of young people participating in the lesson accounted for 60%, whereas that of middle-aged and senior people stood at half and one sixth of that figure, respectively. (young peopleは全参加者の60%、middle-aged peopleは(60%の)半分(30%)、senior peopleは(60%の)1/6(10%))

The proportion of meat accounted for the largest share of exports from the UK at 40%, followed by fish at just under a third. The share of egg exports stood at half the figure of meat at one fifth. Milk represented the smallest percentage among the four categories at 10%.



ratio (to)(全体100%の内のそれぞれの割合)

The ratio of men to women was 6.5 to 3.5.

The ratio of their preference for full fat butter to low fat is 60% to 40% for the youngest group, while this ratio is almost equal for the oldest group.


ratio(比率)は100%の内のそれぞれの割合(男女比6:4など)で使われるので、percentageやproportionの同意語としては使えない。X%を表す場合には、percentage, proportion, shareを使って、ratioは使う前に適切か考えること。また、rate(率)も同じで、%を表さない場合が多い。mortality rate(死亡率)やexchange rate(為替レート)などで使われ、dollar’s exchange rate against the yen(ドルの円に対する為替レート)などとして使われる。




少し上回る:just above / just over / slightly over

The figure represented just above 10 million.

The figure represented just over 10 million.

The figure represented slightly over 10 million.

少し下回る:just below/just under/slightly under/nearly

The figure represented just below 20 million.

The figure represented just under 20 million.

The figure represented slightly under 20 million.

The figure represented nearly 20 million.

注)nearlyにそれより上は含まれない:nearly  20は17くらい~19.9 (20未満)


The figure represented almost 33 million.

The figure represented around 33 million.

The figure represented approximately 33 million.

The figure represented roughly 33 million.

The figure represented about 33 million.

注)more than / less than / above / over / below / under はそれ以上/以下すべてが含まれるので使い方注意。「ちょい下まで/ちょい上まで」はjust belowやjust aboveで書けるが、「1000ちょい下まで下がった」をdecreased to less than 1000と言ってしまうと0~999まですべて含まれてしまう。必ず、”だいたい”を表現する言葉を適切に入れる。




The number of visitors/tourists to London increased by 10,000 from 2000 to 2010.

The visitor/tourist numbers to London increased by 10,000 from 2000 to 2010.

不加算名詞:amount (単位関係なし), volume (主にm3)

The amount of plastic garbage declined by 10,000 tonnes from 2000 to 2010.

The volume of plastic garbage declined by 10,000 cubic metres from 2000 to 2010.


The quantity of sugar consumed in the UK rose by 10% from 2000 to 2010.



Meat sales rose by 10% between 2000 and 2010. The figure rose by a further 5% in the subsequent two years.

Meat sales in 2000 reached/hit £20,000. This sales figure was the highest achieved during the decade.

“figure”はすべての数字(数、パーセント、量 etc)に使えるが、”—の値”とする場合には”figure for”、特定の数値を指す場合には”figure of”になる。

  • the figure for advertising costs
  • the average figure of 30,000


production volume (生産量) = amount of production

population size (人口) = populationだけでも人口の意味は伝わる

consumption level (消費量) = amount of consumption / consumptionだけでも消費量の意味は伝わる


50% = 50 percent = 50 percentage points

(人口) 1億人 = 100 million = the 100 million mark (markをつける場合には冠詞のtheをつける)



The proportion of citizens that immigrated from New Zealand and China stands at 20% and 10%, respectively.

(New ZealandとCanadaから移住してきた市民はそれぞれ20%、10%である ⇒ New Zealandからの移住者20%、Canadaからの移住者10%)

The consumption of milk by age group of 18-25, 26-65, and 65+ is 1,600ml, 1,700ml, and 1,900ml, respectively.

(年齢層18-25歳の牛乳消費量:1,600ml、26-65歳の牛乳消費量:1,700ml, 65歳以上の牛乳消費量:1,900ml)

The value of imports and exports dropped by 20% and 10%, respectively, during the decade.

(imports: 20%減, exports: 10%減)

前者(former)と後者 (latter)


Young people preferred to be involved in playing sports and dancing with just over one-third and nearly one-third of them doing the former and the latter, respectively. 

(former = playing sports, latter = dancing)



There is/are

There is a laboratory on the east side of the campus.

Thera are some computers in the corner of the library.

There is a road running from east to west.

There are trees along the road.

There is a cycle path running through the park.

There was a park with trees and grass and a car park.


The university has an outdoor pool and two tennis courts on the right side of the map.

The library had a reception next to the entrance.

be located

The laboratory is located on the east side of the campus.

Five houses are located along the river.

The computers are located in the library.


The forest lies across the river.

The monument lay in the centre of the campus. (lie-lay-lain) (past)

be situated

Some houses are situated on the hill.

One restaurant is situated on the west side of the map.


The building sits on the main street.

There is a building sitting on the main street.

be positioned

A computer and a printer are positioned on the right side of the library.

A kiosk is positioned in the centre of the platform.



The river runs on the northside of the town.

There are additional cycle routes running through the centre of the park.

lead to

The footpath leads to the library.


The railway connects the east and west of the town.


The island stretches from north to south. (通常stretchは北―南、東―西に延びるときに使う。北―東などは使わない)



The library underwent a conversion.

The museum underwent renovation.

see changes / see a change in

The town saw changes in the location of its facilities.

The library saw changes in the arrangement of books.


change into

The library was changed into a museum.

The car park was changed into a tennis court.

be replaced with / replace

The library was replaced with a museum.

A museum replaced the library.

The park and the car park were replaced with a basketball court and tennis courts, respectively.

(park ⇒ basketball court / car park ⇒ tennis courts)

= A basketball court and tennis courts replaced the park and the car park, respectively.

be transformed into

The cube-like building will be transformed into a columnar museum.

The IT centre has been transformed into an innovation centre.

turn into

The outdoor facility has been turned into an indoor area that contains the swimming pool, the café and the reception. (outdoor facility, swimming pool, café, receptionはもとからあったのでこれらには”the”, それらがインドアになったのでそのindoor areaにはa(an)をつけた)

be converted into

The library will be converted into a museum.

The old houses will be converted into hotels.


The existing rectangular shaped area with eight gates will be modified to become a Y-shaped corridor with 18 gates.


be relocated to

The library, which was on the north side, was relocated to the east side.

The museum was relocated to the edge of the town.

move to

The existing check-in counter will be moved to the opposite side of the airport.

The computers will be moved from the left to right side of the laboratory.


be developed into

The village will be developed into a small town with a university.

The island has been developed into a tourist resort with hotels and restaurants.

grow into

The small town grew into a big city with a hospital and a university.

The small hotel grew into a large facility with a swimming pool and a spa.


be modernised

The library was modernised with wheelchair friendly toilets and step-free access.

The museum was modernised with many contemporary pieces of art.


be added

A new laboratory was added.

A printer was added next to the computer.

be placed

A new big screen and ATM will be placed in front of the restaurant.

be make

The basketball court was made by removing the greenery in the park.


be added

A new laboratory was added next to the car park.

Some new facilities have been added by eliminating some greenery.

Some facilities are expected to be added by cutting trees down and relocating roads.

be constructed / built

A new laboratory was constructed next to the car park.

A new university was built on the east side of the town.

new — (lie)

A new footpath will lie alongside the road.


be built

A new road, which connects a library and a university, will be built.

be laid

New paths, which connect the station with the innovation centre, have been laid.

be introduced

New cycle paths have been introduced alongside the roads.

be made

A new road will be made to connect the library and the city hall.


A new road will run from south to north.


サイズ大きくなる/小さくなる: increase/decrease in size

The playground increased in size.

The playground decreased in size.

範囲が大きくなる:expand, enlarge

The university will expand to include more areas for research, education and improved accessibility.

The library has been enlarged, overtaking the green space.

数が増える:increase/decrease in number

The tennis courts increased in number.

The tennis courts decreased in number.

The school saw an increase in the number of classrooms.




be remove

The greenery in the park was removed and the basketball court was made.

The basketball court was made by removing the greenery in the park.

no longer (there)


remain unchanged/be unchanged

The location of the laboratories and the walkway will remain unchanged.

The location of library will be unchanged.

remain the same

In the library, the location of the reception and the computers remained the same.

stay the same

The existing walkway and the library will stay the same



The restaurant is on the east/west/south/north of the café.

A centre for research and development has been built on the north-west side of the park on the grassland.

The northern half has the restaurant in the east, but the rest of the area is occupied by trees. The southern half is further divided into two halves by the walkway.


ただ”東にある”と書く場合には”in the east”、”—の東にある”と書く場合には”on the east of—“になるので注意。

in the east/west/south/north: 位置

on the east/west/south/north of—: 位置関係


In 1980, on the left/right side of the map, there was a park with trees.

The left/right side of the facilities has been turned into an indoor area.

隣(隣どうし):next to, side by side

Next to the swimming pool, the café, the reception and the changing rooms were located side by side.


A station has been constructed on the existing railway running along the southern part of the park.





「上がって下がる」や「下がって上がる」は、”After that /  — after which で時系列に表現”、”前置詞beforeを使って表現”、”付帯状況のwithを使って表現”、”関係代名詞を使って状況を説明”の4つの表現方法を覚え、違う表現方法でパラフレイズしながら書く。


JAPAN:上がって下がる / UK:下がって上がる

After that /  — after which で時系列に表現


JAPAN:10ドル(2000年)→ 40ドル(2010年)→ 20ドル(2020年)

In Japan, the price of a football ticket increased from 10 dollars in 2000 to 40 dollars in 2010. After that, the price dropped to 20 dollars in 2020.

In Japan, the price of a football ticket increased from 10 dollars in 2000 to 40 dollars in 2010, after which the price dropped to 20 dollars in 2020.


UK:50ドル(2000年)→ 20ドル(2010年)→ 40ドル(2020年)

In the UK, the price of a football ticket decreased from 50 dollars in 2000 to 20 dollars in 2010. After that, the price rose to 40 dollars in 2020.

In the UK, the price of a football ticket decreased from 50 dollars in 2000 to 20 dollars in 2010, after which the price rose to 40 dollars in 2020.



JAPAN:10ドル(2000年)→ 40ドル(2010年)→ 20ドル(2020年)

In Japan, the price of a football ticket was 10 dollars in 2000 before increasing to 40 dollars in 2010 and dropping to 20 dollars in 2020.

【直訳】日本では、footballのチケットの価格は、2010年に40ドルに上がり2020年に20ドルに下がる前は2000年には10ドルだった。⇒ 日本では、footballのチケットの価格は、2000年に10ドル、2010年に40ドルに値上がり、2020年に20ドルに値下がりした。


UK:50ドル(2000年)→ 20ドル(2010年)→ 40ドル(2020年)

In the UK, the price of a football ticket was 50 dollars in 2000 before dipping to 20 dollars in 2010 and recovering to 40 dollars in 2020.

【直訳】UKでは、footballのチケットの価格は、2010年に20ドルに下がり2020年に40ドルに上がる前は2000年には50ドルだった。⇒ UKでは、footballのチケットの価格は、2000年に50ドル、2010年に20ドルに値下がり、2020年に40ドルに値上がりした。



JAPAN:10ドル(2000年)→ 40ドル(2010年)→ 20ドル(2020年)

In Japan, the price of a football ticket increased from 10 dollars in 2000 with the price reaching a peak of 40 dollars in 2010 but then declining to 20 dollars in 2020.

【直訳】日本では、footballのチケットの価格は、2000年に10ドルから値上がりして、その価格は2010年には40ドルに達したが2020年には20ドルに下がった。⇒ 日本では、footballのチケットの価格は、2000年に10ドル、2010年に40ドルに値上がり、2020年に20ドルに値下がりした。


UK:50ドル(2000年)→ 20ドル(2010年)→ 40ドル(2020年)

In the UK, the price of a football ticket decreased from 50 dollars in 2000 with the price dipping to 20 dollars in 2010 but then rising to 40 dollars in 2020.

【直訳】UKでは、footballのチケットの価格は、2000年に50ドルから値下がりして、その価格は2010年には20ドルに値下がったが2020年には40ドルに上がった。⇒ UKでは、footballのチケットの価格は、2000年に50ドル、2010年に20ドルに値下がり、2020年に40ドルに値上がりした。


「”メインで言いたいこと”, with 名詞 + 現在分詞 /過去分詞」の形で、メインで言いたいことにその状況を説明することができる。(現在分詞/過去分詞以外にも形容詞、副詞、前置詞もとれるがIELTSでは現在分詞と過去分詞のみを覚えればよい)

with 名詞 + 現在分詞(名詞が”する”)← IELTSではほぼこの表現

Meat exports steadily increased between 1990 and 2020 from 10 to 20 million tonnes.

Meat exports steadily increased between 1990 and 2020, with the amount rising from 10 to 20 million tonnes.

with 名詞 +過去分詞(名詞が”される”)

Meat exports will (probably) / are likely to / are forecast to increase in the next five years from 10 to 20 million tonnes.

Meat exports will (probably) / are likely to / are forecast to increase in the next five years, with the amount expected to rise from10 to 20 million tonnes. (withの後ろのbeing: 省略)



JAPAN:10ドル(2000年)→ 40ドル(2010年)→ 20ドル(2020年)

In Japan, the price of a football ticket, which stood at 10 dollars in 2000, increased to 40 dollars in 2010 but then decreased to 20 dollars in 2020.


UK:50ドル(2000年)→ 20ドル(2010年)→ 40ドル(2020年)

In the UK, the price of a football ticket, which stood at 50 dollars in 2000, decreased to 20 dollars in 2010 but then increased to 40 dollars in 2020.

上がって下がる、そしてまた増える / 下がって上がる、そしてまた下がる




JAPAN:10ドル(2000年)→ 40ドル(2010年)→ 20ドル(2020年)→ 30ドル(2023年)

In Japan, the price of a football ticket, which stood at 10 dollars in 2000, increased to 40 dollars in 2010 but then decreased to 20 dollars in 2020. After that, it rose again to 30 dollars in 2023.

In Japan, the price of a football ticket, which stood at 10 dollars in 2000, increased to 40 dollars in 2010 but then decreased to 20 dollars in 2020, with the price rising again to 30 dollars in 2023.


UK:50ドル(2000年)→ 20ドル(2010年)→ 40ドル(2020年)→ 30ドル(2023年)

In the UK, the price of a football ticket was 50 dollars in 2000 before dipping to 20 dollars in 2010 but then it recovered to 40 dollars in 2020. After that, it declined again to 30 dollars in 2023.

In the UK, the price of a football ticket was 50 dollars in 2000 before dipping to 20 dollars in 2010 but then it recovered to 40 dollars in 2020, with the price declining again to 30 dollars in 2023.




The sales increased by almost 0.3 million every year for 10 years to reach a peak of three million in 2023.

The sales decreased by almost 0.3 million every year for 10 years to reach the lowest point of one million in 2023.


The sales reached a peak of three million in 2023 after increasing by 0.3 million every year for 10 years.

The sales reached the lowest point of three million in 2023 after decreasing by 0.3 million every year for 10 years.


関係副詞(非制限用法: , when (コンマ when))はいつ何が起きたかを説明するのに使える構文。とくに”需要が供給を超えた”など2つを比較するのに使える。

The demand of steel surged to 200 million tonnes per month in December, when the demand overtook the supply. 


The lowest temperatures recorded in Japan are in February, when conversely they are the highest in Australia.


In winter, the need for power gradually increases at a slower pace until evening, when it surges and peaks at about 48000 units at 8 p.m.

(夕方8時に電力需要はピークの48000 unitsを迎えた)

The monthly sales remained steady at £5 million until May, when they fell to roughly £2 million.

(5月までは£5 millionで一定だったが、5月に£2 millionまで落ちた)





Meat exports represented the highest proportion at 55% in 2000, whereas those of fish the lowest at 6%.

Automobile sales took the largest share at 70%, while that of motorbikes the smallest at 5%.

The younger generation consumed cheese the most at 20g per day on average, whereas elderly people eat it the least at 10g.


Meat sales represented the second/third highest/lowest proportion in 2020.

Meat was the second/third most sold product in 2020. (* second/third leastはない(mostのみ))

The second/third most sold product was meat in 2020. (* second/third leastはない(mostのみ))

The second highest amount of water consumption in houses was for hand washing at 20%.

Making new friends in foreign countries is the second most difficult thing to deal with for young people.


Meat sales represented the second highest proportion in 2020.

=Meat was the second most sold product in 2020.


Meat sales represented the third lowest proportion in 2020.

✖(ダメ) Meat was the third least sold product in 2020. (* second/third leastはない(mostのみ))


in first/second/third place (the はつけない)

The proportion of citizens from Great Britain is in first / second / third place at XX%.


1番目、2番目、3番目—の表現は、followed byやfollowingを使って、「XXが最も大きく、YYとZZが続く」と書くことができる。

Followed by

The proportion of citizens from Great Britain is in first place at 60%, followed by those from New Zealand and China at 20% and 10%, respectively.

90% of the population of Japan is made up of Japanese people themselves. This figure is followed by residents from China at 4%, Korea at 3%, Vietnam at 2% and people from other countries at 1%.

People having coffee at a cafe accounted for the largest percentage in Hobart at 65%, followed by Brisbane and Adelaide, at approximately 51% and 49%, respectively.

Automobiles represented the largest value of exports in total at £13.8 billion, followed by chemical products at £12.5 billion.


Water consumption in residences, namely apartments and houses, made up a 70% share of the total, with apartments and houses standing at 57% and 13%, respectively. Following these two categories, industries consumed almost as much water as businesses, with the former at 11% and the latter at 10%.



Automobile sales took a larger share than motorbikes at 70% and at 5%, respectively.

The younger generation consumed more cheese than elderly people at 20g per day and 10g, respectively, on average.



何倍:times / times as — as (2倍はtwice)

Japan exports automobiles worth £5.9 billion to the world, which is nearly five times the amount of money made from exporting food.

The amount of butter eaten by those in the 45-65 age group stands at 60g, which is twice as much as that consumed by people over 65 and five times as much as those under 25.

In terms of the automobile industry, the value of exports from Japan stood at £13.8 billion in 2010, which was ten times as much as the UK sold.


Residents used 15% of water for toilets, which was three-quarters the amount for washing clothes (20%). 10% of water was used in the kitchen, which was half the amount for washing clothes.

Industries and businesses accounted for roughly a fifth of water used in homes, standing at 11% and 10% of the overall water use, respectively.


Graduates working as freelance consultants received a relatively higher income with four-fifths of them earning more than $75,000.


The proportion of city dwellers from the UK is almost the same as that from New Zealand at approximately 90%.

The daily consumption of milk by the 26-45 age group is almost as much as the 45-65 age group at around 1660ml.


数値を説明する際は、ただ何が何%だったかを書くのではなく、その説明(例:何が最も大きく何%であった / 何が何%で最も大きかった)を加えながら書く。その際に、”付帯状況のwithを使って数値を追加”、”分詞構文を使って数値を追加”、”関係代名詞を使って数値を追加”、”関係代名詞を使って説明を追加”する表現が使える。


The most challenging aspect for young people is making new friends, with 53% of those surveyed reporting this.

The oldest age group finds making friends the easiest, with the proportion of people finding it a challenge standing at only 10%.

As for the dwelling areas, cities are far more popular than the countryside, with more than 80% of people living there. 

Graduates working as freelance consultants received a relatively higher income, with half of them earning over $100,000.

The minority of the students decided to study further on a postgraduate course, with 8% of the total entirely focusing on advanced studying and 5% of them choosing to continue studying while also working part-time.

(Synonym: postgraduate course=advanced studying=continue studying)

The majority of water use in Japan was in the residential sector, with 57% used in houses and 13% used in apartments.


「”メインで言いたいこと”, with 名詞 + 現在分詞 /過去分詞」の形で、メインで言いたいことにその状況を説明する。(現在分詞/過去分詞以外にも形容詞、副詞、前置詞もとれるがIELTSでは現在分詞と過去分詞のみを覚えればよい)

with 名詞 + 現在分詞(名詞が”する”)← IELTSではほぼこの表現

Meat exports represented the majority of trade at 60%.

Meat exports represented the majority of trade, with the proportion standing at 60%.

with 名詞 +過去分詞(名詞が”される”)

Meat exports will / are likely to / are forecast to represent the majority of trade in the near future at 60%.

Meat exports will (probably) / are likely to / are forecast to represent the majority of trade in the near future, with the proportion expected to stand at 60%.


The proportion of people owning cars is lower for the older age group, standing at 36%.

The export values of automobiles and bicycles were unique as the figures outnumber those of imports, accounting for £4 billion and £2.3 billion, respectively.


The people who immigrated from other countries are categorized as “Other”, which accounts for 14%.

Milk consumption by the under 18 group is the lowest at 1200 ml per day, of which 59% is full fat and 41% low fat.


Nearly half of those over 55 years old find it difficult to learn a new language, which is the biggest obstacle for them when living abroad.

60% of Chinese people live in cities, which is far greater than the other countries.

The amount of butter eaten by those in the 45-65 age group stands at 60g, which is the largest for all age groups. Milk consumption by the under 18 group is the lowest at 1200 ml per day, of which 59% is full fat and 41% low fat.



接続詞:while / whereas (whereasは文頭では使えない)

People in the oldest age group (over 65) drink the most milk at 1900ml, whereas/while those in youngest group (under 25) drink the least at 1200ml.

More people over 26 years old prefer low fat milk than full fat milk, whereas/while this trend is the opposite for those under 26.

副詞:conversely (反対に)

 More people over 26 years old prefer low fat milk than full fat milk. Conversely, this trend is the opposite for those under 26.

前置詞(句):unlike, in comparison, on the other hand, compared to

The figure for the 18-34 age group stands at nearly 30% and compared to the 35-54 age group, it is 6% lower. (compared to + 比較対象:18-34 age groupと35-54 age groupの比較)




The library has expanded leading to an increased number of books.

—することによって: by

Some new facilities have been added by eliminating some greenery.

A new research facility was developed by cutting trees down.


The building for cyber security has been expanded, whereas the area for the car park has been reduced. (cyber securityのビルは拡大される一方駐車場のスペースは減った)

The west side of the university has the library, while the east has the laboratory.(大学の西側は図書館で、一方東側は研究室)



The library, which was on the east side of the city in 1990, had been relocated to the north side by 2000.


The car park has been replaced by a hospital.


The museum is scheduled to be renovated to facilitate a new wheelchair friendly toilet and computers.



過去:In the past, In 2020

In the past, there was a lot of greenery alongside the river running through the northern part of the city.

かつては—だった:used to be

An indoor facility was made to contain a swimming pool, a café and changing rooms, which used to be in the open air. (かつては屋外だったswimming pool, caféは屋内施設になった)

The new facility will have a fitness centre in the place where the tennis courts used to be. (かつてテニスコートだった場所にフィットネスセンターができる)

現在:presently, At present, currently, after (the modification)

Presently, the layout has changed dramatically. (レイアウトが変わって今も変わった後の状態が続いているので現在完了形)

At present, there is a new library on the north side of the university.

未来:in the future, for the future

The map illustrates the present layout of the university and also the changes proposed for the future.



プロセスの流れを表現する語句(接続詞、副詞)を覚えて流れを色々な表現でできるようにすることが必要。(First,—. Next,—, Next, —. Next, —ではスコアはでない)



Firstly/Initially/First of all/To start with

Firstly, used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container.

Initially, used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container.

First of all, used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container.

To start with, used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container.


Recycling commences when used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container.

Recycling starts when used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container.



Then, a garbage truck carries the collected bottles to a recycling centre.

Subsequently, a garbage truck carries the collected bottles to a recycling centre.

Afterwards, a garbage truck carries the collected bottles to a recycling centre.

After that,/After

After that, a garbage truck carries the collected bottles to a recycling centre.

After transportation to the recycling centre, the plastic bottles are sorted automatically.

prior to / before

Used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container, prior to/before being carried by a garbage truck.

followed by

Used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container, followed by being collected / collection by a garbage truck.

Used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container, followed by a garbage truck collecting them.


Next/Then, the compressed blocks of bottles are crushed into small pieces by sharp, circular rollers.

The pellets are then heated until they melt.

and then

The compressed blocks of bottles are crushed into small pieces by rollers, and then the crushed pieces are dropped into a container filled with water.

and subsequently

The skin is thoroughly washed with water in a container, and subsequently the individual sheets of skin are soaked in another container filled with lime.

Subsequent to

Firstly, the leather skins from various animals are dried. Subsequent to this, they are carried to a factory by truck where they are sorted by hand.



Finally, some products, such as plastic containers, T-shirts, pencils as well as plastic bags are made.

Ultimately, some products, such as plastic containers, T-shirts, pencils as well as plastic bags are made.


followed by

This circular process is comprised of three main stages including initial collection and sorting, followed by processing and cleaning, and finally making some products. (順番:collection and sorting ⇒ processing and cleaning ⇒ producing some products)


Then, the sheet is polished using equipment before being transferred by a lorry to another factory.(順番:sheet polishing ⇒ lorry ⇒ another factory)

The harvested vegetables are washed automatically before being cut by a machine with large rollers. (順番:washing vegetables ⇒ cut)

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample



The chart below shows the changes that took place in three different areas of crime in Mexico City from 2010 to 2019.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



ボディ1: Burglaryは減少

ボディ2:Car theftとRobberyはほぼ同じ



  • 2010年:数が最も多い
  • 2011年:数百増える
  • 2015年:減り続けて1000ちょっとに
  • 2016年:1500近くまで増えて2018まで同じ
  • 2019年:少し減り1500弱に

ボディ2:Car theftとRobberyの大きな特徴

  • 2010年:Car theftとRobberyはそれぞれ2800と700
  • Car theft
    • 2012まで同じ数、2013年に2000ちょいに減る
    • その後徐々に増え2013年にはBurglaryを超える
    • 2019年と同じくらいの数に戻る
  • Robbery
    • 期間を通して500-1000の間で小さな変動、2010年と2019年は700くらい



問題文)The chart below shows the changes that took place in three different areas of crime in Mexico City from 2010 to 2019.

パラフレイズ)The line graph illustrates how the number of incidents of crime in three categories in Mexico City changed between 2010 and 2019.


  • burglaryは激減
  • car theftとrobberyはあまり変化なし
  • robberyはずっと低い

Overall, the number of burglaries decreased dramatically, whereas figures for car theft and robbery saw some slight fluctuations. Furthermore, robbery remained the least occurring crime over the period.


ボディ 1Burglary

  • 2010年:数が最も多い(3500件)
  • 2011年:数百増える
  • 2015年:減り続けて1000ちょっとに

With regards to burglary, the number began at just below 3500 cases in 2010, which was the highest among the three categories, before increasing by a few hundred in 2011 and then declining continuously until 2015 to just 1000.

  • 2016年:1500近くまで増えて2018まで同じ
  • 2019年:少し減り1500弱に

After that, the figure rose to nearly 1500 in 2016 and levelled off until 2018, before dropping slightly to just under 1500 in 2019.

ボディ 2Car theft, Robbery

  • 2010年:Car theftとRobberyはそれぞれ2800と700

The number of cars being stolen and robberies taking place stood at approximately 2800 and 700, respectively, in 2010.

  • Car theft:2012まで同じ数2013年に2000ちょいに減る

The former remained unchanged until 2012 before falling to just above 2000 in 2013.

(* former = cars being stolen = car theft)

  • Car theft:その後徐々に増え2013年にはBurglaryを超え2019年と同じくらいの数に戻る

After that, it began to grow gradually and surpassed the number of burglaries in the middle of 2013 to reach almost the same number in 2019 as at the beginning of the period.

  • Robbery:期間を通して500-1000の間で小さな変動2010年と2019年は700くらいで同じ

As for robbery, incidences hovered around the 750 mark and did not fall below 500 or exceed 1000 throughout the period, with the number at the end being the same as at the start.


The line graph illustrates how the number of incidents of crime in three categories in Mexico City changed between 2010 and 2019. Overall, the number of burglaries decreased dramatically, whereas figures for car theft and robbery saw some slight fluctuations. Furthermore, robbery remained the least occurring crime over the period.

With regards to burglary, the number began at just below 3500 cases in 2010, which was the highest among the three categories, before increasing by a few hundred in 2011 and then declining continuously until 2015 to just 1000. After that, the figure rose to nearly 1500 in 2016 and levelled off until 2018, before dropping slightly to just under 1500 in 2019.

The number of cars being stolen and robberies taking place stood at approximately 2800 and 700, respectively, in 2010. The former remained unchanged until 2012 before falling to just above 2000 in 2013. After that, it began to grow gradually and surpassed the number of burglaries in the middle of 2013 to reach almost the same number in 2019 as at the beginning of the period. As for robbery, incidences hovered around the 750 mark and did not fall below 500 or exceed 1000 throughout the period, with the number at the end being the same as at the start.


The chart below gives information about the price of tickets on one airline between Edinburgh and London over a two-week period in 2013.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.




Edinburgh→Londonをボディ1, London→Edinburghをボディ2としてしまうと、Edinburgh→LondonとLondon→Edinburghの比較ができなくなってしまい、それぞれの航路で運賃が上がった/下がったを書くだけになってしまう。



ボディ1: 第1週

  • Edinburgh→Londonは月曜に最も高い£80
  • 火曜/水曜£35、木曜£40くらい
  • 金曜に£75に上がる
  • 土曜に£70に下がり、日曜に£50
  • London→Edinburghも似たパターンだけど金曜が最高値の£80
  • (Edinburgh→Londonで最高値の)月曜は£60、水曜も同じくらいの£60

ボディ2: 第2週

  • Edinburgh→Londonは月曜が£50(週に(1番ではなく)3番目に高い)であること以外第1週と毎日同じ値段
  • London→Edinburghは第1週よりは変化が少ない
  • 月曜に£40、火曜~木曜に£35、土日は£50、金曜に最高値の£60



問題文)The char below give information about the price of tickets on one airline between Edinburgh and London over a two-week period in 2013.

パラフレイズ) The bar graph illustrates fluctuations of the airline ticket price from Edinburgh to London as well as the return trip for two weeks in 2013.


  • 金曜から月曜は高めで火水曜は低めである点は似ている

Overall, the trends of week 1 and 2 are similar with the price being higher over the weekend and the lowest on Tuesday and Wednesday.


ボディ 1第1週

  • Edinburgh→Londonは月曜に最も高い£80
  • 火曜/水曜は£35に下がる (木曜£40は特に重要な情報ではないので省略)

During the first week, the price from Edinburgh to London started from a peak of £80 on Monday before fell sharply to just over £30 on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • 金曜に£75に上がる
  • 土曜に£70に下がり、日曜に£50

After that, it soared to approximately £75 on Friday but dropped to £70 and subsequently to £50 over the weekend.

  • London→Edinburghも似たパターンだけど金曜が最高値の£80
  • (Edinburgh→Londonで最高値の)月曜は£60、土曜も同じくらいの£60

A similar pattern was seen for the return tickets, although the peak was on Friday at £80 and the price on Monday was as expensive as on Saturday at £60.


  • Edinburgh→Londonは月曜が£50(週に(1番ではなく)3番目に高い)であること以外第1週と毎日同じ値段

The next week, as for tickets from Edinburgh to London, the price on each day was the same as the first week apart from on Monday when the price was £50.

  • London→Edinburghは第1週よりは変化が少ない
  • 月曜に£40、火曜~木曜に£35、土日は£50、金曜に最高値の£60

The return tickets in the second week did not fluctuate so much, compared to the first week, with the price being £40 on Monday, falling marginally to £35 from Tuesday to Thursday, and then rising to £50 at the weekend, while it reached a peak of £60 on Friday.


The bar graph illustrates fluctuations of the airline ticket price from Edinburgh to London as well as the return trip for two weeks in 2013. Overall, the trends of week 1 and 2 are similar with the price being higher over the weekend and the lowest on Tuesday and Wednesday.

During the first week, the price from Edinburgh to London started from a peak of £80 on Monday before fell sharply to just over £30 on Tuesday and Wednesday. After that, it soared to approximately £75 on Friday but dropped to £70 and subsequently to £50 over the weekend. A similar pattern was seen for the return tickets, although the peak was on Friday at £80 and the price on Monday was as expensive as on Saturday at £60.

The next week, as for tickets from Edinburgh to London, the price on each day was the same as the first week apart from on Monday when the price was £50. The return tickets in the second week did not fluctuate so much, compared to the first week, with the price being £40 on Monday, falling marginally to £35 from Tuesday to Thursday, and then rising to £50 at the weekend, while it reached a peak of £60 on Friday.


The pie charts below show the percentage of five kinds of books sold by a bookseller between 1982 and 2002.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



ボディ1:増加したジャンル=Adult fiction, Children’s fiction

ボディ2:減少したジャンル=Biography, Travel, Others



ボディ1:Adult fiction, Children’s fiction

  • Adult fictionとChildren’s fictionは1982年から2002年で増えた
  • 1982年:Adult fictionとChildren’s fictionはそれぞれ20%
  • 1992年:Adult fictionは25%、Children’s fictionは22%に上昇
  • 2002年:Adult fictionは45%、Children’s fictionは25%に上昇(1982年比でそれぞれ倍、+5%)

ボディ 2:Biography, Travel, Others

  • Biography:20%(1982年)→ 15%(1992年)→ 8%(2002年)
  • Others:25%(1982年)→ [20%(1992年)]→ 12%(2002年)
  • Travel:15%(1982年)→ +3%(1992年)]→ -10%(2002年)



問題文)The charts below show the percentage of five kinds of books sold by a bookseller between 1982 and 2002.

パラフレイズ)The pie charts illustrate the proportion of books of different genres which were sold from 1982 to 2002 at one-decade intervals.


増加:adult fiction and children’s fiction

減少:Biography, Travel, Others

Overall, the proportion of adult fiction and children’s fiction increased, whereas that of the other three kinds, biography, travel, and others, decreased over the period.


ボディ 1:Adult fiction, Children’s fiction

  • Adult fictionとChildren’s fictionは1982年から2002年で増えた

The categories of adult fiction and children’s fiction underwent continuous growth.

  • 1982年:Adult fictionとChildren’s fictionはそれぞれ20%
  • 1992年:Adult fictionは25%、Children’s fictionは22%に上昇

Both stood at one fifth in 1982, and the former had grown to a quarter and the latter had risen 2% by 1992.

  • 2002年:Adult fictionは45%、Children’s fictionは25%に上昇(1982年と比べるとそれぞれ2倍、+5%)

During the two decades from 1982 to 2002, adult fiction sales more than doubled to represent 45% and children’s fiction rose by 5%, resulting in the subtotal proportion of these two genres making up a 70% share in 2002.

ボディ 2:Biography, Travel, Others

  • Biography:20%(1982年)→ 15%(1992年)→ 8%(2002年)

Biography, which took the same proportion as the aforementioned two categories in 1982, lost popularity from 20% in 1982 to 15% in 1992 and to only 8%, the lowest proportion, in 2002.

  • Others:25%(1982年)→ [20%(1992年)]→ 12%(2002年)

Also, the ‘others’ category declined from 25% to less than half at 12% over the period with the percentage standing at one fifth in 1992.

  • Travel:15%(1982年)→ +3%(1992年)]→ -10%(2002年)

With regards to travel, starting from 15%, it saw a slight rise of 3% from 1982 to 1992, while the proportion had dipped to 10% by 2002.


The pie charts illustrate the proportion of books of different genres which were sold from 1982 to 2002 at one-decade intervals. Overall, the proportion of adult fiction and children’s fiction increased, whereas that of the other three kinds, biography, travel, and others, decreased over the period.

The categories of adult fiction and children’s fiction underwent continuous growth. Both stood at one fifth in 1982, and the former had grown to a quarter and the latter had risen 2% by 1992. During the two decades from 1982 to 2002, adult fiction sales more than doubled to represent 45% and children’s fiction rose by 5%, resulting in the subtotal proportion of these two genres making up a 70% share in 2002.

Biography, which took the same proportion as the aforementioned two categories in 1982, lost popularity from 20% in 1982 to 15% in 1992 and to only 8%, the lowest proportion, in 2002. Also, the ‘others’ category declined from 25% to less than half at 12% over the period with the percentage standing at one fifth in 1992. With regards to travel, starting from 15%, it saw a slight rise of 3% from 1982 to 1992, while the proportion had dipped to 10% by 2002.



The table below shows weekly consumption by age group of dairy products in a European country.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


ボディ1: Milkの消費量の年代別の比較

ボディ2: Butterの消費量の年代別の比較



  • 消費量:65歳以上が最も多い/25歳以下が最も少ない/26-45歳と45-65歳はほぼ同じ(1660前後)
  • Low fat / Full fat:26歳以上(26-45、45-65、65 over)はLow fatを好み、25歳以下はFull fatを好む傾向


  • 消費量:45-65歳が60gで一番多い。65歳以上の2倍、25歳以下の5倍
  • Low fatとFull fatの比率は、25歳以下:60%対40%、26-45歳:38% 対62%、その他(45-65歳、65歳以上)はほぼ同じ(50%対50%)



問題文)The table below shows weekly consumption of dairy products by age group in a European country.

パラフレイズ)The table illustrates the amount of milk and butter consumed per week as well as the ratio of people who prefer full fat products to those who like low fat ones across four age groups in one European country.



  • Milk(主にlow fat)の消費量65以上グループが最大、Butterの消費量45-65歳グループが最大
  • 25歳以下グループのグループはMilkもButterも消費量が最も低がfull fatの割合は最も大きい

Overall, the oldest group drinks milk the most, mainly low fat, and the 45-65 range group eat butter the most, whereas the youngest group consumes both milk and butter the least.


ボディ 1Milkの消費量の年代別の比較

  • 消費量:
    • 65歳以上グループが最も多い(1900ml) 
    • 25歳以下グループが最も少ない(1200ml)
    • 26-45歳グループと45-65歳グループはほぼ同じ(1660ml前後)

With regards to milk consumption, people in the oldest age group (over 65) drink the most at 1900ml, whereas those in youngest group (under 25) the least at 1200ml. The consumption by the 26-45 age group is almost as much as by the 45-65 age group at around 1660ml.

  • Low fat / Full fat:
    • 26歳以上グループ(26-45、45-65、65 over)はLow fatを好む
    • 25歳以下グループはFull fatを好む傾向

More people over 26 years old prefer low fat milk than full fat milk, whereas this trend is opposite for those under 26.

ボディ 2Butterの消費量の年代別の比較

  • 消費量:
    • 45-65歳グループが60gで一番多い
    • (45-65歳の消費量は)65歳以上グループの2倍、25歳以下グループの5倍

The amount of butter eaten by those in the 45-65 age group stands at 60g, which is the largest for all age groups and is five times as much as that consumed by those under 25s.

  • Full fatとLow fatの比率:
    • 25歳以下グループ:60%対40%
    • 26-45歳グループ:38% 対62%
    • その他(45-65歳グループ、65歳以上グループ)はほぼ同じ(50%対50%)

The ratio of their preference of full fat butter to low fat one is 60% to 40% for the youngest group and 38% to 62% for 26-45-year-old bracket, while this ratio is almost equal for the remaining two age groups.


The table illustrates the amount of milk and butter consumed per week as well as the ratio of people who prefer full fat products to those who like low fat ones across four age groups in one European country. Overall, the oldest group drinks milk the most, mainly low fat, and the 45-65 range group eat butter the most, whereas the youngest group consumes both milk and butter the least.

With regards to milk consumption, people in the oldest age group (over 65) drink the most at 1900ml, whereas those in youngest group (under 25) the least at 1200ml. The consumption by the 26-45 age group is almost as much as by the 45-65 age group at around 1660ml. More people over 26 years old prefer low fat milk than full fat milk, whereas this trend is opposite for those under 26.

The amount of butter eaten by those in the 45-65 age group stands at 60g, which is the largest for all age groups and is five times as much as that consumed by those under 25s. The ratio of their preference of full fat butter to low fat one is 60% to 40% for the youngest group and 38% to 62% for 26-45-year-old bracket, while this ratio is almost equal for the remaining two age groups.


The charts show the total usage proportions for water in Canada and a breakdown of its residential purposes.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



棒グラフは円ブラフのResidential (apartmentとhouses)の内訳なので特に棒グラフと円グラフを比較するようなことはなく、Body 1に円グラフ、Body 2に棒グラフとする。


  • Residential (houses 57% + apartment 13%)が合計で70%
  • Industries(11%)とBusiness(10%)はほぼ同じくらい
  • GovernmentとOtherはそれぞれ6%と3%


  • 主に使用されているのはbathroomsとgardensでそれぞれ28%くらい
  • Residentsは15%、Toilets and kitchenは10%で、washing clothes(20%)と比べるとResidents は3/4(15%/20%)、Toilets and kitchen(10%/20%)は半分。



問題文)The charts show the total usage proportions for water in Canada and a breakdown of its residential purposes.

パラフレイズ)The pie chart compares the proportion of water consumption across six different categories and the bar chart illustrates the purpose of the water use in residences by percentage, both of which come from data in Canada in 2005.


  • Housesの消費が最大
  • Residences(apartmentとhouses)ではbathroomとgardensに主に使用されている

Overall, water consumption in houses accounted for the largest proportion. In residences, the water was used mainly for bathrooms and gardens.


ボディ 1:円グラフの説明

  • Residential (houses 57% + apartment 13%)が合計で70%

According to the pie chart, the water consumption in residences, namely apartments and houses, made up a 70% share in total, with apartments and houses standing at 57% and 13%, respectively.

  • Industries(11%)とBusiness(10%)はほぼ同じくらい

Following these two categories, industries consumed almost as much water as businesses, with the former at 11% and the latter at 10%.

  • GovernmentとOtherはそれぞれ6%と3%

The use in governmental bodies represented 6% and the other sector used half of that amount.

ボディ 2:棒グラフの説明

  • 主に使用されているのはbathroomsとgardensでそれぞれ28%くらい

Turning to the bar chart, the main purpose of the water consumption in residences was for bathrooms and gardens at approximately 28% each, meaning that the majority of water was used for these two purposes.

  • Residentsは15%、Toilets and kitchenは10%で、washing clothes(20%)と比べるとResidents は3/4(15%/20%)、Toilets and kitchen(10%/20%)は半分。

Residents used 15% and 10% of water for toilets and kitchens, respectively, which was three-quarters and half of the amount for washing clothes (20%), respectively. 


The pie chart compares the proportion of water consumption across six different categories and the bar chart illustrates the purpose of the water use in residences by percentage, both of which come from data in Canada in 2005. Overall, water consumption in houses accounted for the largest proportion. In residences, the water was used mainly for bathrooms and gardens.

According to the pie chart, the water consumption in residences, namely apartments and houses, made up a 70% share in total, with apartments and houses standing at 57% and 13%, respectively. Following these two categories, industries consumed almost as much water as businesses, with the former at 11% and the latter at 10%. The use in governmental bodies represented 6% and the other sector used half of that amount.

Turning to the bar chart, the main purpose of the water consumption in residences was for bathrooms and gardens at approximately 28% each, meaning that the majority of water was used for these two purposes. Residents used 15% and 10% of water for toilets and kitchens, respectively, which was three-quarters and half of the amount for washing clothes (20%), respectively. 



The following diagrams show the present and planned developments in the biomedical campus of a university.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


ボディ1:roads and the walkwayの変化



ボディ1:roads and the walkwayの変化

  • Walkwayは変わらない
  • 左側から下って右側へ通りぬけるRoadはなくなる
  • 左側のRoadは下まで延長され下側にも新しくRoadができる
  • 下側のRoadと左側のRoadは途中で繋がり三角形の道ができる


  • 緑地にGeneticsとBio-imagingのビルを追加
  • Biochemistryのビルは鋭角のL字型のビルに拡大
  • Car parkingはStudent向けのCar parkingに変更
  • GeneticのビルはGenetic 2へ変更
  • Biotechのビルは隣にもう一つできて繋がる



問題文)The following diagrams show the present and planned developments in the biomedical campus of a university.

パラフレイズ)The two maps illustrate the existing arrangement and projected changes of a biomedical campus.


  • いくつかの設備が追加される
    • 緑地は減る
    • 道路の配置も変更
  • laboratoriesとwalkwayは変わらない

Overall, some facilities are expected to be added by cutting trees down and relocating roads, while the locations of the laboratories and the walkway will remain unchanged.


ボディ 1roads and the walkwayの変化

  • Walkwayは変える予定はない
  • 左側から下って右側へ通りぬけるRoadは、左側部分は下まで延長され、右側へ通りぬける部分はキャンパスの下側へ移る

As for the roads and the walkway, the existing walkway will stay the same but the road, which runs down the left side of the campus then through the full width to the right side, is planned to be extended to run along the whole left side of the campus and the other road will be moved to the bottom of the site.

  • 下側のRoadと左側のRoadは途中で繋がり三角形の道ができる

Furthermore, this newly added road on the left side and the one at the bottom of the map will be connected by a through road, making a triangular-shaped area surrounded by the roads, which will be used as a staff car park.

ボディ 2施設の変化

  • 地図の左側
    • 緑地にGeneticsとBio-imagingのビルを追加
    • Bochemistryのビルは鋭角のL字型のビルに拡大

With regards to the facilities, on the top left side of the campus, buildings for genetics and bio-imaging will be added by removing greenery. Moreover, the existing building for biochemistry will be expanded and changed into an acute-angle L-shape along the walkway and the new road.

  • 地図の右側1
    • Car parkingはStudent向けのCar parkingに変更
    • GeneticのビルはGenetic 2へ変更

On the right side of the campus, the current car park will be exclusively for students and the name of the building for genetics is expected to be changed to “Genetics 2”.

  • 地図の右側2
    • Biotechのビルは隣にもう一つできて繋がる

A new building for biotech will be built next to the existing one and both will be connected.


The two maps illustrate the existing arrangement and projected changes of a biomedical campus. Overall, some facilities are expected to be added by cutting trees down and relocating roads, while the locations of the laboratories and the walkway will remain unchanged.

As for the roads and the walkway, the existing walkway will stay the same but the road, which runs down the left side of the campus then through the full width to the right side, is planned to be extended to run along the whole left side of the campus and the other road will be moved to the bottom of the site. Furthermore, this newly added road on the left side and the one at the bottom of the map will be connected by a through road, making a triangular-shaped area surrounded by the roads, which will be used as a staff car park.

With regards to the facilities, on the top left side of the campus, buildings for genetics and bio-imaging will be added by removing greenery. Moreover, the existing building for biochemistry will be expanded and changed into an acute-angle L-shape along the walkway and the new road. On the right side of the campus, the current car park will be exclusively for students and the name of the building for genetics is expected to be changed to “Genetics 2”. A new building for biotech will be built next to the existing one and both will be connected.



The diagram below shows the process for recycling plastic bottles.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.








問題文)The diagram below shows the process for recycling plastic bottles.

パラフレイズ)The diagram illustrates how plastic bottles are recycled.



Overall, it is a circular process containing nine stages with both manual and mechanised processes starting from collecting used bottles to making recycled products.


ボディ 1プロセスの前半(①~④)

①To start with, used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container and ②a garbage truck carries the collected bottles to a recycling centre. There, ③staff working for the centre pick out the bottles manually in order to sort them into the recyclables and non-recyclables. After that, ④the vast number of recyclable bottles are compressed into a cubic block.

ボディ 2プロセスの後半(⑤~⑨)

Next, ⑤the compressed blocks of bottles are crushed into small pieces by sharp, circular rollers, and then the crushed pieces are dropped into a container filled with liquid to be washed. Then, ⑥the small pieces of washed plastics are converted into pellets by a machine. ⑦The pellets are then heated until they melt and ⑧form raw materials from which ⑨some products, such as plastic containers, T-shirts, pencils as well as plastic bags, are made. ①Some of these products are then throw away into the recycling and the process starts again.

circular processなので①に戻ることを最後に追加した


The diagram illustrates how plastic bottles are recycled. Overall, it is a circular process containing nine stages with both manual and mechanised processes starting from collecting used bottles to making recycled products.

To start with, used plastic bottles are collected in a designated container and a garbage truck carries the collected bottles to a recycling centre. There, staff working for the centre pick out the bottles manually in order to sort them into the recyclables and non-recyclables. After that, the vast number of recyclable bottles are compressed into a cubic block.

Next, the compressed blocks of bottles are crushed into small pieces by sharp, circular rollers, and then the crushed pieces are dropped into a container filled with liquid to be washed. Then, the small pieces of washed plastics are converted into pellets by a machine. The pellets are then heated until they melt and form raw materials from which some products, such as plastic containers, T-shirts, pencils as well as plastic bags, are made. Some of these products are then throw away into the recycling and the process starts again.

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