
IELTS(アイエルツ)7.0対策 – Speaking

General information


IELTS AcademicのSpeakingは、大学のカリキュラム (クラスメイトとのコミュニケーション、課外活動(Field Trip)についてのプレゼンテーションやその質疑応答、教授/チューターへの質問など) で必要なSpeaking力が試されている。おしゃべり英会話の延長でネイティブ風にしゃべるのでは高得点は到底無理。これはAcademicの英語試験。

語学学校で習うようなおしゃべり英会話(Part1)に加えて、自分の経験したことの展開を話す力(Part2)、自分の意見や一般的な事項について理論的/多角的に話す力 (Part3)が要求される。

文法が正しいだけでは高得点はとれない。また、同じアウトプットでもWritingとは異なり、コミュニケーションで使用される単語やフレーズを入れる必要がある。「正しい英文法 + ネイティブならこう言う」をおさえて流暢に話す必要がある。











IELTS Speaking Questions 2023 And Answer Hints (examword.com)


話題や言い方、単語、Phrasal verbは無限にある。まずは、最近出ている質問に対しては、答えるネタ、使える単語、Phrasal verbを用意しておく。



  • 第1-3文型に偏っていないか?=第4,5文型に変えられるところはないか?
  • Paraphraseできる単語はないか?
  • Phrasal verbやイディオムが使えるところはないか?
  • so—that構文、not only—but also—構文に変えれるところはないか?
  • 仮定法を使えるところはないか?
  • アー、エーが多くないか?



文法的に正しくても、Phrasal verbやイディオムを入れないと得点にはつながらない。この点をしっかりと知っているネイティブからの指導を受ける必要がある。(日本人同士の練習ではこの点への指摘は到底無理)

I was looking for some Nike Air-Max 95 limited edition for a couple of months and finally found them at a shop in Omote-sando. When I bought them, I was really happy.

I was looking for some Nike Air-Max 95 limited edition for a couple of months and finally found them at a shop in Omote-sando. When I got my hands on them, I was on cloud nine. (some: pair of shoes, pair of glasses, pair of trousers or some shoes, some glasses, some trousers)


IELTS Speakingは次の4点で採点される。

  1. Fluency and coherence:話しの流れ
  2. Lexical resource :使う単語/フレーズ
  3. Grammatical range and accuracy:正しい文法/時制
  4. Pronunciation:発音


Fluency and coherence:話しの流れ


  • is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or hesitation
  • uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not always appropriately


  • speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence
  • may demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction
  • uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility




I like spring. We can see beautiful cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms are our national flower.

I like spring as we can see beautiful cherry blossoms, which are our national flower.



文と文をつなぐ接続詞やSignposting wordsをしっかりと使う


  • 結果を言う場合:As the result,
  • まとめを言う場合:In a nutshell,
  • 違う側面を言う場合:On the other hand,
  • 同じことを言う場合:Also,
  • 比較したことを言う場合:Compared to,
  • 何について述べるかを先に言う:When it comes to —


このような前置きの言葉(Signposting words)を入れてると相手にとって話の流れが分かりやすくなる。

Young people are usually tech savvy. Older people tend to be technophobic.

Young people are usually tech savvy. Compared to them, older people tend to be a bit technophobic.



特にPart 3ではSignposting wordsをしっかりと入れて理論的なストーリーを作って話す必要がある。

Signposting wordsのRoad mapをダウンロードして流れのある回答を作れるように練習してください👇

Lexical resource :使う単語/フレーズ


  • has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and make meaning clear in spite of inappropriacy
  • generally, paraphrases successfully


  • uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics
  • uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices
  • uses paraphrase effectively

Paraphrase (パラフレイズ)



“暑い”という単語もParaphraseすると : hot → baking → boiling → scorching

同意語は”synonyms”で検索:HOT Synonyms: 180 Synonyms & Antonyms for HOT | Thesaurus.com

I went to a restaurant with my friend last week. The food served was really tasty, especially their lasagna, which was the tastiest one that I have ever had in my life. I think they serve tastier food than any other restaurants in Tokyo.

Paraphrase : tasty → delicious → mouth – watering → scrumptious

I went to a restaurant with my friend last week. The food served was really tasty, especially their lasagna, which was the most delicious one that I have ever had in my life. I think they offer more scrumptious dishes than any other restaurants in Tokyo. “mouth-watering” is the exact word to describe their meal.


—だと思う:I think — → I reckon — / I believe — / In my view, — / My view is—, 

Phrasal verb

話し言葉でネイティブが多用するPhrasal verbを使う

  • return → come back

He returned from school → He came back from school.

  • continue → carry on

We continued playing soccer even though it started to rain→ We carried on playing soccer even though it started to rain.

  • reduce → cut down on

We need to reduce CO2 emissions → We need to cut down on CO2 emissions.




ネガティブな表現には、”a bit”を形容詞の前に置くとネイティブが話すナチュラルな英語になる。

「とても幸せだった」でもI was really happyではなく

  • I was really buzzing!
  • I was on cloud nine!
  • I was feeling on top of the world!
  • I was over the moon!
  • I was jumping for joy!
  • I was in seventh heaven!

「悲しいかった」もI was really sadではなく

  • I was a bit down in the dumps.
  • I felt a bit blue.
  • My heart sank a bit.
  • I had a bit of a lump in my throat.




「薬を飲む」もdrink medicineではなくtake medicine。

「影響を与える」はmake an impact。makeと同じ”作る”のcreateでcreate an impactと言っても通じない。

Social mediaの有料広告”paid advertising on social media”も、同じ”有料”でchargedを使って”charged advertising on social media”にはならない。



difference/gap (違い・差) → discrepancies (相違)

I spoke to both children about the accident and there were some differences between their stories.

I spoke to both children about the accident and there were some discrepancies between their stories.

Grammatical range and accuracy:正しい文法/時制


  • uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibility
  • may make frequent mistakes with complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problems


  • uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility
  • frequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist





現在形(I work for Panasonic.)と現在進行形(I‘m working for Panasonic.)の違いは下のセクションをチェック

Where do you live?

I live in a flat in front of Koshigaya Station.

現在形(live in)での回答=現在越谷駅の前のFlatに住んでいて引越す予定はない。

Do you work or are you a student?

I work for Panasonic.

現在形(work for)での回答=現在Panasonicで(正社員で)働いていて転職の予定はない。

What do you study?

I study English (every day).



IELTSの試験中は”You’re taking the speaking part of the IELTS.”なので特に—ingの使い方には注意が必要。


I’m taking the speaking part of the IELTS.



I’m reading the latest edition of Harry Potter.

最近Harry Potterの最新版を読んでいる。


I’m leaving the UK next week.



My father is always complaining about my mother.




I live in a flat close to Waterloo Station.


I’m living in a flat close to Waterloo Station.


I read novels every day.


I’m reading the latest edition of Harry Potter.



Where do you live?

I’m living in a flat in front of Koshigaya Station.

現在進行形(am living)での回答=(次の場所に移るまでの当面の間)越谷駅の前のFlatに住んでいます。

Do you work or are you a student?

I’m working for Panasonic.

現在進行形(am working)での回答=(正規雇用ではなく短期的な雇用で)Panasonicで働いています。

What do you study?

I’m studying English.

現在進行形(am studying)での回答=(専攻としてではなく興味で)英語を勉強しています。

よくある間違え ↓↓↓

Where do you live?

I live in a flat in front of Koshigaya Station with my friend while I’m looking for a job. I have been in Osaka since I was born. In order to find a job, I moved to this place last month and I’m going back to my hometown (Osaka) as soon as I get an offer.

この場合仕事探しの間の短期間だけ越谷駅の前に住んでいるので、”I’m staying in a flat in front of Koshigaya Station with my friend while I’m looking for a job.” が正しい。


I’m living in a house in front of Koshigaya Station with my family. I was born and bred in this place, which means I have been here for more than 20 years. Even after finishing university, I would like to stay with my family. (be born and bred = be born and grew up)

この場合生まれてから20年以上ずっと越谷駅の前の家に住んでいるので、I live in a house in front of Koshigaya Station with my family. が正しい。


I went swimming yesterday.

I studied economics in the UK.

I ate healthy food when I was young.

同じ過去形でもused to—など単なる過去形以外で過去を表す表現を入れる。

ただの過去形だと過去の一時点でそうだったことを表すだけで、今のことは分からないが、used to—は過去そうだったことと今はそうではないことを表す。ネイティブは習慣的に以前行っていたことをused to—でよく話す。

I used to work for Panasonic.


I used to study economics.


SHARP used to be one of the most well-known Japanese electronics manufacturers.


I used to live in a flat close to Waterloo Station.


I lived in a flat close to Waterloo Station. After moving to a different place, I came back to the same place and have stayed there ever since.

Waterloo駅の近くのFlatに住んでた。一度他の場所に行って同じ場所に戻って来て今もそこ(Waterloo駅の近くのFlat)に住んでいる。(今も同じところに住んでいるのでused toは使えない)



I was taking the speaking part of the IELTS when I got the message.



The plane was landing when I got the airport.




The plane was about to land when I got the airport.



I was leaving the UK for Japan the following week, but the flight was cancelled.


supposed to —も使える

I was supposed to leave the UK for Japan the following week, but the flight was cancelled.


My father was always complaining about my mother.




I have climbed Mt. Fuji.


I have been awarded the best employee prize.

(今までに)Best employee賞を受賞したことがある。


I’ve had a headache since I came back from my trip.


I have lived in the UK for 3 years.



We have just read the novel.


My girlfriend has gone to the UK.


過去完了形:過去の前と過去の関係を表す (過去の出来事があるのはその前の出来事があったから) 



Last month I climbed Mt. Fuji with my wife. I had climbed it when I was a student, but it was my wife’s first time.


この場合、先月登ったこと(過去)と学生時代に登ったこと(先月(過去)より前の過去の経験)を区別するためにhad climbedとして過去完了を使った。学生時代のことをただ言うのであれば、”I climbed Mt. Fuji when I was a student.”になる。

I had been awarded the best employee prize three times by the time I retired.

退職するころにはBest employee賞を3回受賞したことがあった。(退職前に3回Best employee賞を受賞した実績があったから、退職時には3回受賞したと言えた)


I had had a headache since my trip, but the aspirin worked well.


I had lived in the UK for 3 years when I left.



We had just read the novel when the film version was released.


My girlfriend had gone to the UK so I was lonely.



I have lived with my family since I was born in 1986. We lived in Shizuoka until 1995 when we moved to Tokyo. Since then, we have been in Minatoku-ku. Last summer, we were living in Ota-ku as our house was under renovation. Currently, we live in the renovated house in Minato-ku. My friend from the UK is now staying at my house during his holiday. He had planned to stay in a hotel, but we insisted he stay with us.

I have lived with my family since I was born in 1986.


We lived in Shizuoka until 1995 when we moved to Tokyo.


Since then, we have been in Minatoku-ku.


Last summer, we were living in Ota-ku as our house was under renovation.


 Currently, we live in the renovated house in Minato-ku.


My friend from the UK is now staying at my house during his holiday.


He had planned to stay in a hotel, but we insisted he stay with us.




First, I lived in Soho, then I lived in Camden, then I lived in Hamstead.



My parents had lived in Hamstead before they got married.


結婚する“前“のBeforeを強調するとき(got marriedとlivedの時制の違いを強調するとき)過去完了形を使う。


My parents lived in Hamstead before they got married.


未来形でもwill / be going to の区別をしっかりとする

willとbe going toの違い

will は、今その時に決めたことや、問いかけや約束をする時、不確実な未来のことを予測する時。一方、be going toは前々から決まっている予定や、予定を尋ねる時、確実に起こると思える未来のことを予測する時。

The concert got cancelled, so I will study English tonight.


I want to finish work on time because I’m going to study English tonight.


be going to:既に決めてある未来の場合 

What are you planning to do tomorrow morning?

I’m going to see a movie. (もう行くと決めている)


What are you planning to do tomorrow morning?

If I wake up early tomorrow, I’ll go see a movie. (明日早起きできたら映画にいく=行くかは明日の朝次第)

ing (現在進行形):予定と段取りがすべて決まっている場合の予定

I’m meeting my boss at 10AM on Monday.


I’m having a party next week


be going toing (現在進行形)の違い

ing(現在進行形)は予定や時間などの段取りがすべて決まっている予定を指すが、be going toはただその予定が決まっているというだけで詳細は不明。

I’m going to meet my boss at 10AM on Monday.

月曜の10時に上司に合う予定:be going to=ただ会うという予定だけ、場所や時間は不明

I’m going to have a party next week

来週パーティをやる予定:be going to=ただパーティをやる予定ということだけ、場所や時間は不明

supposed to:やることを誰かに期待されているがやる気がしないこと(ネガティブな表現) 

I’m supposed to do my homework tonight, but I’ll leave it until tomorrow.


I’m supposed to send this parcel by Friday, but I need more time.



The train leaves at 6 p.m. (Fixed on timetable, won’t change)


仮定法、not only—but also—、so—that—構文などはSpeakingのどこかで入れると決めておく。



Zero conditional:ただの条件

If I have too much caffeine, I can’t sleep at night.


Ice melts if you warm it up.


1st conditional:起こりうる仮定

If I have some money, I can invest in stocks of X company.

お金があったら、X companyの株に投資できる。(実際にお金を工面できる見通しはある)

If my rich sick grandmother dies (and she probably will), I can invest in X company.

もし裕福な病気の祖母が他界したら、X companyの株に投資できる。(実際に祖母は他界しそう)

2nd conditional:現在に対する仮定「(実際は違うけど)もし今—だったなら」

If I had some money (but I don’t), I could invest in stocks of X company.

いまお金があったら、X companyの株に投資でき”るのに”。(実際は今お金ないからできない)

If I won the lottery (but I probably won’t), I would buy a yacht.


3rd conditional:過去に対する仮定「(実際は違ったけど)もしあの時—だったなら」

If I had had money (but I didn’t), I could have invested in stocks of X company.

あの時お金があったら、X companyの株に投資でき”た”のに。(実際はあの時お金なかったからできなかった)

If I hadn’t told a lie to my father, he wouldn’t have been angry with me.

Mixed conditional


If I hadn’t spent money on my car (but I did), I could invest (now) in stocks of X company. (3rd→2nd)

あの時車にお金を使ってなかったら、X companyの株に投資できるのに。(実際は過去に車にお金を使ってしまって、お金ないからできない)


If I were a man, they would have given me the job. (2nd→3rd)



特にPart 2では何を話すかに加えてどこで仮定法を使うかを準備時間に考える。

Speaking Part 1

Do you have a pet?

No, unfortunately I don’t, as I have an allergy to pets. If I didn’t have this allergy, I’d love to have a dog.

Speaking Part 2

I’d like to talk about my memories of my mother. –(motherとのこと)– During the pandemic, she was really supportive. I couldn’t have survived without her support.

not only—, but also—構文


Do you have a pet?

No, I don’t – unfortunately – as I have an allergy to pets. I haven’t only got an allergy but also asthma. Hairy pets would kill me!

so that構文

この構文も得点源になりやすい。so that構文は場面に応じて様々な使われ方があるが、IELTSでは、目的・程度・結果を話すときに使うと覚えればよい。

目的を表すso that構文:—のため = so as (not) to

We walked silently so that our baby won’t wake up.

→We walked silently so as not to wake our baby up.


We hurried so that we could arrive at the airport 1 hour before departure.

→We hurried so as to arrive at the airport 1 hour before departure.


程度を表すso that構文:—な程—だ

I was so busy that I didn’t have time to relax at a café.

→I was too busy to have time to relax at a café.


結果を表すso that構文:—した結果どうなった

I studied hard, so (that) I got the overall score of 7.0 in IELTS.





  • uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control
  • shows some effective use of features but this is not sustained
  • can generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times


  • shows all the positive features of Band 6 and some, but not all, of the positive features of Band 8







Could you please say that again? (もう一度言ってもらえませんか?)

Can you repeat what you just said? (もう一度言ってもらえませんか?)

I’m afraid I didn’t catch what you said.(すみません聞き取れませんでした)

Could you please rephrase the question?(他の言葉で言ってもらえませんか?)

文章がでてこなかったら、Sorry, you mean…? / Sorry, can you say that…? 程度で分からない雰囲気を出せばゆっくりもう一度言ってもらえることが多い。


Sorry, I lost my train of thought.

「あれ、何の話、してたんだっけ?」(自分が何を言おうとしていたのか分からなくなった。 話が脱線し過ぎた場合など。)

Sorry, it’s on the tip of my tongue.


I’m sorry if I digressed a little, but I wanted to talk about —


To digress a bit, —


Nothing really comes to mind, but I —

I can’t come up with anything really good but —

I’m struggling to come up with something compelling/of interest but —

I’m looking for the best answer but the only thing that I can come up with is —

「特に思い浮かぶことはないのですが, /頑張って何かネタを考えているのですが、— 」(素直になにも話すことがなければないと言って、自分の言いたいことへ話を切り替える)


簡単な形容詞しか思いつかなかったら、”more than”(ポジティブ)もしくは”less”(ネガティブ)をつけて”ものすごく”を表す比較表現にする。もしくは”pretty”をつける。

happy = more than happy (幸せ以上=ものすごく幸せ)= really very happy (really very: natural) = pretty happy

great = more than great (素晴らしい以上=ものすごく素晴らしい)= pretty great

nice = more than nice (良い以上=ものすごく良い)= pretty nice

bad = less bad (悪い以下=ものすごく悪い)= pretty bad


It felt like more of a job interview than an IELTS examination!


That was quite a trip down memory lane! (when you spoke about happy or sad past memories in the test)


What I talked about is actually a real problem for me. Oh, well, they do say “a problem shared is a problem halved“. (smile)


It was good to get that story about my bad experience off my chest!


Part 1

Part 1 はじめに

Part 1 では受験者のことについて聞かれる。働いている?or学生?、アパートに住んでいる? or 一軒家?など誰でも答えられる質問のみだが、まず質問に対して答えてから、直接的な回答のみだけでなく詳しい状況や背景を加えて答える。



Part 1では自分のことを聞かれているので、一般論ではなく自分のことや家族/友達のことを答える。話しやすい話題にどんどんもっていってOK(自分が今住んでいるところ→過去に住んでいるところ/お金持ちになったら(仮定法)住みたいところ)。

Part 1で大切なのは印象点。基本文法(第1文型から第5文型)と時制をしっかりと知っていることをアピールする。仮定法やPhrasal verbもチャンスがあったら積極的に使う。

使える文法や構文を使うためには積極的にウソをつく。Part 1では試験管はマニュアルに沿って質問をしてくるだけなので回答に対して深堀する質問をしてくることはほぼない。

Part 1 で上手くいかなくてもPart 2, 3で十分挽回できるのであまり気にしない。

Part 1 Practice

Question 1

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Do you —? の質問 = 現在形の時制が正しく使えるか?

Before improvement

I live in a house. I live with my parents and brother. It’s in the countryside in Shizuoka prefecture. My prefecture is in the centre of the main island of Japan. My house is not big but good and I got my own room when I I was 15.

Score-up Speaking

I live in a two-storey house with my parents and brother. It’s in the countryside in Shizuoka prefecture, which is geographically in the centre of the main island of Japan. It’s not very spacious but it’s cosy and my parents gave me my own room when I turned 15.

Score-up Speaking(主な改善点)

  • “I live in a house. I live with my parents and brother.” → “I live in a two-storey house with my parents and brother.”
    • 質問文(live in a house)をParaphraseできない場合には、 two-storey house(2階建ての家)などの説明をつけ足す。
    • with my parents and brotherとして1文にできるなら1文にまとめる。
  • “My prefecture is —” → “— , which is geographically —“
    • 関係代名詞を使って1文にする。
    • geographically(地理的に)をつけて静岡県の地理的な位置を説明。
  • big but good → spacious but it’s cosy
    • 簡単で何にでも使えるgood/bad, big/smallではなく名詞をしっかりと表現できる形容詞(spaciousやcosy)を使う。
  • I got my own room → my parents gave me my own room
    • 第1~第3文型だけではなく、第4文型を使う。

Question 2

Why do you live in an apartment/house?

Why—?の質問 = 理由を答えられるか?

Before improvement

No big reasons, just because my parents got it from my grandparents. Overall, I’m happy as it is close to my school and close to a hospital and library. But, my town is a little bit boring because many young people left there to have a good job in the city.

Score-up Speaking

There are no main reasons, other than just because my parents took it over from my grandparents, which is the Japanese custom. Overall, I’m happy with it as it is a short walk from my school and close to a hospital and library. Having said that, my town is a little bit sleepy as many young people have left to get a job with better prospects in the city.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • No big reasons, → There are no main reasons,
    • There is/are構文で主語と動詞をつけて文で話す。
  • (my parents) got it → took it over
    • Phrasal verb (take something over)を使用:got → take something over
  • —, which is the Japanese custom.
    • 関係代名詞を使って説明を追加する。
  • “(is) close to — and close to —” → “(is) a short walk from — and close to”
    • close toを何回も使わずに違う言い方にParaphraseする:close to  → a short walk (from)
  • “But, —” → “Having said that, —“
    • Butでも文法的には正しいが、Having said that「とは言うものの」を入れて良い点と悪い点を挙げた方が流れがスムーズになる。
  • because → as
    • (特に理由を聞かれている問題では)理由を説明するのにbecauseだけではなくasも使う。
  • left → have left
    • 状態が継続しているのであれば過去形ではなく現在完了を使う。
    • 現在完了形(have left):若い人たちは都会にでてずっと町は高齢化が進んでいる。
    • 過去形(left):若い人たちは都会にでたという意味だけで現在どうなっているのか不明(Uターンが盛んになり今は若者でにぎわっている?カモ)
  • a good job → a job with better prospects
    • ”いい仕事 (good job)”よりも具体的に”見通し/将来性のある仕事”など具体的に。

Question 3

How long have you lived there?

have you —? の質問 = 現在完了形の時制が正しく使えるか?

Before improvement

I have lived there for more than 20 years since I was born. However, my house is more than 60 years old, and it is very old. My parents say rebuilding the house is one option but I’m unhappy to support this idea as I have lots of memories of the house.

Score-up Speaking

I’ve lived there since I was born, which means for more than 20 years. However, my house is more than 60 years old, and it’s in need of lots of repairs. My parents say rebuilding the house is one option but I’m not keen on this idea as the house has a lot of nostalgic memories for me.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • I have lived → I’ve lived
    • (特に現在完了形で聞かれているので) I have—は”I’ve”と短縮させたほうがネイティブ風に聞こえる(ネイティブはスピーチ以外では短縮形を使う)
  • — , which means —
    • 関係代名詞を使って内容の説明するのも加点要素になる。
  • ”it is very old” → ”it’s in need of lots of repairs”
    • very oldの簡単な単語ではなくin need of lots of repairsなど具体的に話す。
  • unhappy → not keen on
    • unhappyなど簡単な単語ではなく、not keen to/on(気乗りしない)などネイティブが自然に日常で使う単語に変える。(unhappy to support は unidiomatic)

Question 4

What do you like the most about it (your house)?

最上級で聞かれている = 最上級が使えるか?

Before improvement

I can say the location of my house is great. It’s not convenient compared to big cities, like Tokyo or London, but it’s near a supermarket, library and my school. It’s so quiet especially in the evening that I can hear singing of birds, which gives me a relaxed time.

Score-up Speaking

I can say the location of my house is handy for lots of things, which is the best thing about my house. There aren’t as many facilities as there are in big cities, like Tokyo or London, but it’s near a supermarket, library and my school. It’s so peaceful especially in the evening that I can hear birds singing, which is soothing and relaxing.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • great → “handy for lots of things, which is the best thing about my house”
    • 簡単で具体性のない単語(great)は避けて、何がいいのかを具体的に説明(handy for lots of things)。
    • そして、それが一番よいところと最上級と関係代名詞を使って説明を追加。
  • “not convenient compared to” → “not as many facilities as”
    • not convenient compared to—でもよいが、as — as 構文を用いるのも加点要素
  • singing of birds → birds singing
    • 日本語の直訳は意味は通じてもおかしい場合がある(鳥の鳴き声:singing of birds → chirp/twitter/birds singing
  • “— gives me a relaxed time” → “— is soothing and relaxing”
    • ”Gives me a relaxed time”はunidiomatic (ネイティブはそうは言わない)なので、soothing and relaxingに変更

最上級以外にも最上級を表す表現”second to none“もスコアアップにつながる

As a dancer, he is second to none. 彼は医者として右に出るものはいない(=最高だ)

His musical technique is second to none. 彼の楽器のテクニックは最高だ!

Question 5

What is your favourite room? Why?


Before improvement

I like my living room the most. My family members get together to have dinner every day. We chat and laugh there. Last night, I talked about what I did for my classmate for a help and my parents praised me. 

Score-up Speaking

I like my living room the most as my family members get together there to have dinner every day, and after that we chat and have a laugh. Last night, I talked about what I had done to help my classmate and my parents told me they were proud of me.  

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • ”as
    • asやbecauseを使って理由をしっかりと説明する
  • and after that
    • 接続詞(— and after that —)を文と文の間にいれて流れ(Coherence)を良くする
  • laugh → have a laugh
    • 笑うはただlaughではなくネイティブはhave a laughなどのイディオムをよく使う(have a try, have a look (at)なども同じ)
  • I did → I had done
    • 過去完了を適切に使う(classmateをhelpしたのは家族にtalkした前なので、ここでは過去形ではなく過去完了が正しい)

Question 6

Can you describe the view from your windows?


Before improvement

My house stands alongside a narrow street and in front of a park. I can see the park and children playing there. On summer night, the view is magnificent. Tremendous numbers of stars can be seen. It is quite romantic. No words can express how beautiful it is.

Score-up Speaking

My house stands in front of a park in a narrow street. I can see the park and children playing there. On summer nights, the view is enchanting. You can see tremendous numbers of stars, which is quite spectacular and romantic. No words can express how beautiful it is.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • “alongside a narrow street and in front of a park” → “in front of a park in a narrow street”
    • “alongside”はずっと平行しての意味なので自分の家の場所を表すのには使えない
  • magnificent → enchanting
    • magnificent(壮大な)はグランドキャニオンの様な景色を表すので家からの景色を表すのには不適切
  • “Tremendous numbers of stars can be seen.” → “You can see tremendous numbers of stars.”
    • 受動態(can be seenなど)は会話ではフォーマルになることが多いので普通にYou can see—でOK
  • “It is —” → “—which is”
    • 2文に分けるのではなく関係代名詞を使って内容を説明するのも加点につながる。
  • quite romantic → quite spectacular and romantic
    • 形容詞2つで状況を実写的かつ感情的に説明(spectacular and romantic)

Question 7

Do you plan to live there in the future?


Before improvement

My older brother is going to succeed it. It is Japanese traditional practice. If I were the oldest brother, my parents will leave it to me. When I get old and if I can be rich, I wish to have a bigger house in a city and would like to have many children.

Score-up Speaking

My older brother will inherit it, which is the custom in Japan. If I were the oldest brother, my parents would leave it to me. Therefore, I need to save up to buy one. When I get old and if I can become wealthy, I aspire to have a bigger house in a city and would like to have many children.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • is going to → will
    • be going toは既にそうなることが決まっている未来。(もし遺産相続などの話し合いが済んでいて兄が家を受け継ぐのであればbe going to)決まっていない場合はwill(まだ決まっていない未来)が正しい。
  • “It is —” → “—, which is —“
    • 2文に分けるのではなく関係代名詞を使って内容を説明するのも加点要素。
  • “If I were the oldest brother, my parents will leave it to me.” → “If I were the oldest brother, my parents would leave it to me”
    • 仮定法を正しく使う(もし自分が(そうではないけど)長男だったらー:現在に対する仮定)
    • 仮定法などの構文は得点源にもなるが、逆に試験官は正しく使えているかしっかりとチェックしているので必ず正しく使えるように練習しておく。
  • rich → wealthy
    • richなどの簡単で汎用性がある単語から経済的な豊かさを表すwealthyに変更
  • (I) wish to — → (I) aspire to —
    • I wish to —はフォーマルな言い方なのでより口語的なaspire to —に変更。
    • 店でクレームを言うときはあえて:I wish to speak to the manager.というのもあり。

Question 8

What are the advantages of living in your own home?


Before improvement

The advantage is that we don’t need to worry about monthly bills. If people rent their property, instead of buying it, they must move to another place if they can’t pay the rent. In the case people have their own accommodation, they can stay there even when they lose their job, which may make them relaxed in such situation.

Score-up Speaking

I believe one of the biggest plus points is that you don’t need to worry about paying rent or a mortgage. If people rent their property, instead of buying it, they must move out if they can’t pay the rent. On the other hand, homeowners can stay there even if they lose their job, which is reassuring in such situations. Another advantage is that people can renovate their house as much as they want depending on the circumstances. For example, children may want their own room when they get older.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • The advantage → one of the biggest plus points
    • one of the — (と後の文ではAnother —)と言い複数のadvantagesを言う。
    • また、質問でadvantagesを使っているので、benefitsやplus pointsなどでパラフレイズする。
  • monthly bills → (paying) rent or a mortgage
    • monthly billは水道/電気代などのこと。ここではpaying rent or mortgageと家賃を表す単語に変える
  • move to another place → move out
    • move to another placeでも伝わるが、立ち退き意味するphrasal verbのmove outのほうがここでは適切。
  • “On the other hand,—“
    • 対比表現((On the one hand)/On the other hand)を使って文と文の流れを良くする
  • “In the case people have their own accommodation, they —” → homeowners
    • In the case people have their own accommodationという言い方をhomeownersと一発で表現。
  • “— may make them relaxed in such situation.” → “—is reassuring in such situations.”
    • 仕事を失ってrelaxedしてはいられないので、reassuring(安心させる)などに変更

Question 9

What kind of accommodation do you wish to have in the future?


Before improvement

Living in a penthouse is my dream. If I have money, I would like to live in a penthouse. Some people say this kind of property is too luxurious, but I think it is a symbol of success that people can achieve by making an effort. This dream always motivates me to study harder and harder.

Score-up Speaking

Living in a penthouse is my dream. If I could afford it now, I would like to live in such a luxurious place, and if I won the lottery, I would buy one.  Some people say this kind of property is ostentatious, but in my view, it is a symbol of success that people can achieve by making an effort. This dream always motivates me to study harder and harder.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • “If I have money —” → “If I could afford it now, —“
    • 仮定法を適切に使う
      • If I could afford it, I would like to live in a penthouse. (今は買えないけど)買えるのであればpenthouseに住みたい。
      • If I won a lottery, I would buy it.  もし宝くじが当たったら住みたい。
  • (live in) a penthouse → (live in) such a luxurious place / luxurious → ostentatious
    • penthouseの繰り返しを避けてsuch a luxurious placeに。
    • luxurious の繰り返しを避けてostentatiousに。
  • “I think —” → “in my view”
    • I think—でも文法的には正しいが、in my viewなども入れて”I”から始まる文以外も入れる

Question 10

Can you tell me about your house when you were a child?


Before improvement

My house was much quieter when I was small. The road in front of it was not busy. There were lots of rice fields around of the house. We were able to hear sounds of insects.

Score-up Speaking

My house used to be much quieter when I was small. The road in front of it was not as busy as it is today. What’s more, there were lots of rice fields surrounding the house, so we could hear insects chirruping into the night.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • was → used to be
    • 単純に過去形を使うのではなくused toで過去を表現
  • not busy→ not as busy as it is today
    • as—as構文で今と昔を比較, not as busy as it is today: (昔は)今ほど交通量が多くなかった。
  • “What’s more”
    • What’s moreと言って追加情報を入れて文と文の流れを良くする。
  • around of → surrounding
    • 囲まれている様子を表す場合はaroundよりsurroundingを使う。aroundもofも前置詞なので around ofは間違い
  • were able to → could
    • be able to は能力的に/肉体的に“できる”で使う。can(could)の言い換えではない。
  • sounds of insects → insects chirruping into the night
    • 日本語の直訳的な言い方sounds of insects(虫の鳴き声)は通じないので、しっかりと泣いている虫(insects chirruping)と言う。

Part 2

Part 2 はじめに


この試験が想定しているスキルは、大学の授業でのプレゼンテーションや課外活動(Field Trip)の成果発表ができるかどうか?である。つまり、話す内容の流れをしっかり組み立てて相手(試験官)に状況や背景が伝わるように話す必要がある。


流れの例:メイントピック ⇒ <小問1>どのような経験をしたのか? ⇒ <小問2>いつ起きたか? ⇒ <小問3>なぜそれを経験したか? ⇒ <小問4>その時どう思ったか?


ここでも、Part 1と同様に基本文法(第1文型から第5文型)と時制をしっかりと知っていることをアピールする。仮定法やphrasal verbもチャンスがあったら積極的に使う。





例えば、過去の友達との思い出のトピック&小問 ⇒ 現在のその友達との関係 ⇒ 将来のその友達とのつながりへの希望など。




  1. 先ず何について話すのかを先に述べる
  • I’d like to talk about —
  • I’m going to tell you about —

2. このトピックを選んだ理由を述べる

3. 各小問に答えながら話を進める


  • When it comes to the reason why,—
  • Speaking of the reason why,—
  • As far as the reason why is concerned, — (As far as — is concerned)




Sorry, I lost my train of thought. … (何を言おうとしてたか忘れちゃった)


The name (of—) is, … , sorry, it’s on the tip of my tongue. (名前喉まで出かかってるのに)


If my memory serves me correctly, —. (記憶が確かなら—)


I’m sorry if I digressed a little. …. (脱線してたらすみません、—)

To answer the question—, (質問については、—)


Rounding Off Questions

自分が話したあとに、その経験を誰かほかの人にも話しましたか?などの質問(Rounding off question(s))が1問か2問あり、それにはYes/No  + αで答える。

ここでは複雑な構文などを入れて話す必要はなく、Yes, absolutely! / Why not? / Yes, of course! / I’m afraid not / Out of the questionのように簡単に答える。 できればプラス 簡単な1文を話す。

Rounding off questionsはPart 2で話した内容に関わらずどんな内容でも使える質問になっている。

Rounding off questions:Did you talk about the experience to anyone else?

Answer:Yes, to my friend.

Rounding off questions:Would you like to have the same experience again?

Answer:Why not?

Part 2 Practice

Describe a time you decided to wait for something.

You should say:

  • when it happened
  • what you waited for
  • why you made the decision
  • and explain how you felt about the decision

次のStep 1, Step 2, Step 3の順番で回答をつくる。

Step 1, Step 2は40秒でネタを用意する時間、Step 3は残り20秒で仮定法など得点源になる複雑な構文を考える時間にする。

1分間の準備時間にメモを書くことが許されるが、メモは基本的に書かない。書いている時間は基本的にない。複雑な構文で時制など注意する点は書いてもよい(過去の否定を言う場合には、”had arrived” , “would have missed” など間違いやすい時制は書いておくと最後にミスなく言える)。


1.メイントピック(Describe a time you decided to wait for something.): 映画館の前で遅れてきた友達を待った経験

2.小問1(when it happened): 高校生の時

3.小問2(what you waited for): 一緒に映画を見ると約束した友達

4.小問3(why you made the decision): (一人で先に映画館に入るより)待ってたほうがいいと思った

5.小問4(how you felt about the decision): 良い判断だと思った

+ 仮定法:もう5分遅れたら映画の最初は見逃した(小問4で言う)

Step.2: 頭の中でどんな追加・詳細情報を言うか決める(自分でそのシチュエーションをイメージしながら)


  • 大親友との忘れられない思い出


  • (たしか)5年前
  • 放課後にスパイダーマンの映画を見たいと話した
  • 次の日に行こうと決める
  • 上映10分前に映画館の前で待ち合わせと約束


  • 自分は予定通りに着いた
  • 友達から10分遅れるとの連絡あり
  • その友達は電車に乗り遅れた


  • 一人で先に入っていようかと迷った
  • 正直上映前の予告も見たかった
  • 約束をした場所で待つことを優先した
  • 待っている間は長く感じた


  • 彼は何度も謝ってくれた
  • 予告は見逃したが映画は全部見れた

Step 3:入れる複雑な構文を残りの20秒で用意する。これだけはフルセンテンスを作っておく。


 If he had arrived another 5 minutes later, we would have missed the beginning of the movie.

Part 2 Model answer

Before improvement(改善点は下のポイント解説を参照)

I would like to tell my experience when I waited for my friend. His name is Takumi and he is my best friend. The reason why I selected this experience is that it was one of my most memorable experiences that I had.

It was about 5 years ago. I was a high school student. We were playing after school in a park, and we saw an advertisement of the latest film of Spiderman, which was a great hit at that time, and he said he wanted to see it. As he was so interested to watch it, we decided to go to a movie theatre next day. We made a plan to meet in front of the cinema at 5PM, 10 minutes before the movie started.

I clearly remember it was a cinema day and lots of movie theatres in Japan give a discount. So, I thought lucky. I arrived at the meeting point on time. I got a message from him and he said that he will be late for 10 minutes. He missed the train.

I wondered whether I should start watching without waiting for him. However, I thought I should be kind to wait for him as we decided to see the film together. I wanted to see the trailers, but I felt I should prioritise to meeting him at the promised place. While I was waiting, I was so irritated that I felt I waited for one hour.

When he arrived, he apologised me a lot and it was fine for me. Luckily, we were able to seat soon after the trailers started, and we were able to have fun watching the film together. If he arrived another 5 minutes late, we missed the beginning of the movie. After the movie, we went to dinner together on him and I felt I had made a good decision.

We are still good friends and sometimes go to drinking. He’ll get married next year. When I heard this exciting news, I was really happy. I felt as if my brother gets married.

Score-up Speaking(改善点は下のポイント解説を参照)

I would like to talk about the time I waited for my best friend, Takumi. The reason why I have chosen this experience is that it was one of the most memorable arguments we have ever had.

If my memory serves me correctly, it was about 5 years ago when I was a high school student. We were hanging out together after school in a park when we saw an advertisement for the latest Spiderman film, which was a box office hit at that time, and he said he had been looking forward to seeing it. As he was so keen to watch it, we decided to go the next day. We arranged to meet in front of the cinema at 5PM, 10 minutes before the movie started.

I clearly remember it was a cinema day when lots of movie theatres in Japan offer a discount. So, I felt lucky. I got to the meeting point on time, but I got a message from him saying that he would be 10 minutes late. Apparently, he had missed the train.

I wondered whether I should go in and not wait for him. However, I thought I should be polite and wait for him as we had decided to see the film together. To be honest, I was hoping to see the trailers, not just the film, but I felt I should stick to the arrangement. While I was waiting, I was so irritated that every minute felt like an hour.

When he finally arrived, he kept saying how sorry he was, which made me feel a bit better. Luckily, we sat down in our seats not long after the trailers had started, and we enjoyed watching the film together. If he had arrived another 5 minutes later, we would have missed the beginning of the movie. After the movie, he treated me to dinner as an apology and I felt I had made a sound decision by not going in without him.

We are still close friends and sometimes go out for a drink together. As a matter of fact, he’s getting married next year. When I heard this exciting news, I was on cloud nine. It was as if my brother was getting married.


1. メイントピック(Describe a time you decided to wait for something.)への回答

Before improvement

I would like to tell my experience when I waited for my friend. His name is Takumi and he is my best friend. The reason why I selected this experience is that it was one of my most memorable experiences that I had.

Score-up Speaking

I would like to talk about the time I waited for my best friend, Takumi. The reason why I have chosen this experience is that it was one of the most memorable arguments we have ever had.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • tell → talk about
    • —について話すの場合、tellよりtalk about の方が自然。
  • “His name is Takumi and he is my best friend.” → “my best friend, Takumi.”
    • 人の名前を言うときは、単刀直入にHis/Her name is— でもOKだが、同格(名詞,名前)で説明として追加し、友達の説明について細かく分かれていた分を1文に。
  • “why I selected this experience” → “why I have chosen this experience”
    • I have chosen this experience—として現在完了を使ったのは、1分前(過去)にこれを話すことを決めて今それを変えていない(それについて話している)から
  • experiences → arguments
    • experienceの繰り返しを避ける (argumentにはけんか/議論のような少し主張の強い意味が含まれる)
    • パラフレイズ:experience → time → argument
  • “(experiences) that I had” → “(arguments) we have ever had”
    • arguments we have ever had:現在完了を使って今までの経験の中での意味を込める

2. 小問1(when it happened)への回答

Before improvement

It was about 5 years ago. I was a high school student. We were playing after school in a park, and we saw an advertisement of the latest film of Spiderman, which was a great hit at that time, and he said he wanted to see it. As he was so interested to watch it, we decided to go next day. We made a plan to meet in front of the cinema at 5PM, 10 minutes before the movie started.

Score-up Speaking

If my memory serves me correctly, it was about 5 years ago when I was a high school student. We were hanging out together after school in a park when we saw an advertisement for the latest Spiderman film, which was a box office hit at that time, and he said he had been looking forward to seeing it. As he was so keen to watch it, we decided to go the next day. We arranged to meet in front of the cinema at 5PM, 10 minutes before the movie started.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • “If my memory serves me correctly”
    • “If my memory serves me correctly” (記憶が正しければ)は試験で色々な場面に多用できるポイントアップの言葉
  • 5 years ago when I was a high school student
    • 2文に分けずに関係代名詞/関係副詞(when/where)で一文化
  • playing → hanging out together
    • Phrasal verb (hang out)の使用(playは子供が遊ぶとき、友達とツルむ意味での遊ぶはhang out)
  • advertisement of → advertisement for
    • —の広告はadvertisement for —
  • a great hit → a box office hit
    • box office hit (大ヒット作)などネイティブが日常で使うフレーズを入れる
  • wanted to see → had been looking forward to seeing
    • 過去形ではなく過去完了にすることでずっと行きたいと思っていたを表現
  • interested → keen to
    • Keen on/to: 単純にinterested (in) (興味がある)ではなく「行きたい!」と望んでいる感じを表現
  • the next day
    • 次の日はnext dayではなく”the” next day:ある特定の日を指すのでtheは必要
  • made a plan to → arranged to
    • we made a plan to meetよりも arrange to meetの方が自然

3.小問2(what you waited for)への回答

Before improvement

I clearly remember it was a cinema day and lots of movie theatres in Japan give a discount. So, I thought lucky. I arrived at the meeting point on time. I got a message from him and he said that he will be late for 10 minutes. He missed the train.

Score-up Speaking

I clearly remember it was a cinema day when lots of movie theatres in Japan offer a discount. So, I felt lucky. I got to the meeting point on time, but I got a message from him saying that he would be 10 minutes late. Apparently, he had missed the train.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • and → when
    • andではなく関係副詞whenでcinema dayについて説明
  • give a discount → offer a discount
    • 割引するはoffer a discount(コロケーション)
  • thought → felt
    • think : (考えて)思う / feel : 直感的に感じる
  • arrived at → got to
    • get to —で—に着く。arriveの到着より口語的な表現。I got home
  • “he said that he will” → “saying that he would”
    • 時制の一致:he said that he will be — → he said that he would be —
    • 分詞構文saying thatの使用:”saying that he would be”
  • “be late for 10 minutes” → “be 10 minutes late”
    • be late for 10 minutesは文法的には正しいが、日常会話ではbe 10 minutes late(10分遅れで)の方がよく使われる。
  • Apparently
    • 副詞で文と文の流れを副詞(apparently/obviously)を入れてスムーズに
  • missed → had missed
    • 過去完了で、待っている時間より前に電車に乗り遅れてしてまったことを明確にする

4.小問3(why you made the decision)への回答

Before improvement

I wondered whether I should start watching without waiting for him. However, I thought I should be kind to wait for him as we decided to see the film together. I wanted to see the trailers, but I felt I should prioritise to meeting him at the promised place. While I was waiting, I was so irritated that I felt I waited for one hour.

Score-up Speaking

I wondered whether I should go in and not wait for him. However, I thought I should be polite and wait for him as we had decided to see the film together. To be honest, I was hoping to see the trailers, not just the film, but I felt I should stick to the arrangement. While I was waiting, I was so irritated that every minute felt like an hour.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • start watching → go in
    • 一人で見始める(start watching)というと自宅で映画を見る感じになるので、映画館の中に入るを表すgo inを使う。
    • Phrasal verb: get in なんとかして中に入る / go in 普通に中に入る
  • without waiting for him → not wait for him
    • A without Bは、AとBが同時に起こることを前提としてBなしでという意味。ここで映画館に入ること(A)と待つこと(B)は同時に起こることはないのでwithoutは不適切。
  • kind → polite
    • 簡単な形容詞(kind)ではなく、Polite (他人に思いやりのある)など状況にあった形容詞を使う
  • decided → had decided
    • 過去完了の使用。映画館の前で待ち合わせることは(待っている時よりも)事前に決めたことなので過去完了が時制的に正しい。
  • To be honest
    • 正直言って
  • prioritise to → stick to the arrangement
    • (当初の)予定にstickしたと自然な言い方に。
  • I felt I waited for one hour → every minute felt like an hour
    • 自然なイディオムに変更(every minute felt like an hour. = I felt I had waited for an hour:hypotheticalな表現)

5.小問4(how you felt about the decision)への回答

Before improvement

When he arrived, he apologised me a lot and it was fine for me. Luckily, we were able to seat soon after the trailers started, and we were able to have fun watching the film together. If he arrived another 5 minutes late, we missed the beginning of the movie. After the movie, we went to dinner together on him and I felt I had made a good decision.

Score-up Speaking

When he finally arrived, he kept saying how sorry he was, which made me feel a bit better. Luckily, we sat down in our seats not long after the trailers had started, and we enjoyed watching the film together. If he had arrived another 5 minutes later, we would have missed the beginning of the movie. After the movie, he treated me to dinner as an apology and I felt I had made a sound decision by not going in without him.

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • finally
    • 副詞 (finally:ようやく)を入れてその時の状況を明確に
  • “apologised me a lot” → “kept saying how sorry he was”
    • 詫びた(apologise)はformalな感じもするので、「ごめん、ごめん」と言うのを”kept saying how sorry he was”で表現
  • “and it was fine for me” → “which made me feel a bit better”
    • 関係代名詞whichを用いて前の文の説明
    • 使役動詞のmakeを使って、made me feel a bit betterで感情が収まった感じを表現
  • seat → sat down in our seats
    • seatは誰かが席を案内してくれるときに使う:The waiter seats the guests.
    • 簡単だけどPhrasal verbのsit downに変更
  • soon after → not long after
    • soon after:直後に / not long after:間もない内に
    • 映画館では予告の時間が長いのでnot long afterを使って「予告が始まって間もない間に」とした
  • have fun → enjoyed
    • have funは、(笑って)楽しむ 感じ。スパイダーマンなどのコメディではない映画の場合は普通にenjoyの方が合っている。
  • ”If he arrived another 5 minutes late, we missed the beginning of the movie.” → “If he had arrived another 5 minutes later, we would have missed the beginning of the movie.”
    • 仮定法を意図的に入れる
    • 「もし5分遅くついてたら、映画の最初を見逃してただろうな」は、過去の仮定なのでIf he had—, we would have—.
  • “we went to dinner together on him” → “he treated me to dinner as an apology”
    • 「彼の奢りでごはんを食べに行った」と直接的に言うよりも、「彼からのお詫びで奢ってくれた」と言ったほうが状況がよく伝わる。
  • “made a good decision” → “made a sound decision by not going in without him”
    • make a decision:決断をする。簡単な単語(good)を避けて”make a sound decision”賢明な決断をする。
    • 何のdecisionか分かるようにmade a sound decision by not going in without himと追加



これまでで過去のことは話したので、現状 (we’re still —)や未来のこと(next year)を継ぎ足していく。


Before improvement

We are still good friends and sometimes go to drinking. He‘ll get married next year. When I heard this exciting news, I was really happy. I felt as if my brother gets married.

Score-up Speaking

We are still close friends and sometimes go out for a drink together. As a matter of fact, he‘s getting married next year. When I heard this exciting news, I was on cloud nine. It was as if my brother was getting married.

  • good friends → close friends
    • close friends:親密な友達
  • go to drinking → go out for a drink together
    • イディオム:go out for a drink
  • As a matter of fact
    • (なんと)実は、
  • will get married → is getting married
    • 未来の決まっている出来事なのでis getting (未来形のwillとbe going toの違いに注意↓)
    • A: I’m going to submit my homework today. (宿題を今日提出するよ:前から今日提出することを決めていた)
    • B: Oh, I forgot to do that. I’ll submit mine today, too.(忘れてた!私も今日やろっと。:今日提出することを今決めた)
  • really happy → on cloud nine
    • イディオム: on cloud nine
  • as if my brother gets married. → as if my brother was getting married.
    • 自分の兄弟が結婚するかのように:(現在に対する)仮定法なのでwas gettingにする。

Part 3

Part 3 はじめに










Part 1やPart 2と同様にparaphrase, コロケーションや文と文の接続語句はしっかりと意識して、同じ単語の繰り返しは避ける。

様々な本で時間稼ぎの方法として”It’s a difficult question.”などを回答の最初に言って考える時間を稼ぐと説明されているが、7.0以上を狙うのであれば絶対に避けるべき。6.0レベルの人が連発しているのでこれを言った時点で6. 0レベルと同様に扱われる。もし本当に難しい場合はその理由を付ける。

Do you think newspapers will be replaced by the internet in the future?

It’s a challenging question, because considering the advantages and disadvantages of both styles of media, it’s difficult to simply say which one will prevail. In my opinion, —


Part 3 サンプル 1

Do you think in sports men and women should be separated?

No, I don’t think so. Playing sports bonds people together. Not only does it release hormones that reduce everyday stress but also people feel a sense of belonging to a society or group. Therefore, it’s worth playing sports together regardless of gender. Having said this, I understand there are differences in physical abilities between men and women. So, in a specific situation, such as in professional sport, it could make sense to divide athletes by gender. However, this is a highly sensitive political topic these days and this discussion needs extremely careful consideration to avoid prejudice.


  • Not only — but also —構文の使用 (Not only—から始まる文はdoes itのように倒置が起こるので注意)
  • a sense of belonging:一体感
  • Having said this:「とは言うものの」違う方面からの見方を加える。前半は男女問わず一緒にスポーツをすることの意義。Having said this以降の後半は、男女で別れることの必要性。このように一方的にどちらがいいと言うのではなく、両方の見方を述べることが必要。

Part 3 サンプル 2

Are people who prefer to take risks more likely to be successful?

 In my view, compared to sensible people, those who prefer doing something risky can be more successful in making money. I say this because investments which have a higher risk can tend to have a higher return on investment. Having said that, someone who is risk-averse will gravitate towards safe investments. For example, buying government bonds may yield a lower return because it’s less risky than investing in start-ups. At the end of the day, it all comes down to individual appetite for risk.


  • compared to — :比較表現。ここではリスクをとることが好きな人とそうでない人の比較が問われているので、比較表現は必ず入れる。
  • tend to — :する傾向にある
  • Having said that:「とは言うものの」違う方面からの見方を加える。前半ではリスクをとることが好きな人の方が投資で利益を生みやすいと述べて、Having said that以降の後半ではリスクをとらない方法でも手堅く利益を得られることを述べている。

Part 3 質問タイプ


Part 1と同様に、「どの時制で答えるべきか?」や「どう答えるべきか?」は質問に隠れているのでポイントを外さないようにする。

Questionタイプ1 Opinion


E.g.) Do you think it is important to be on time?


普通に思う程度: I think … / I reckon … / As I see it, / Personally, / For me,

強く思う: I’m convinced … / I’m certain … / I’m sure …

自信がなく思う: I guess … / I suppose … / I’d say …


Give the other side…

Having said that… on the other hand….   I think this but other people might say…

Questionタイプ2 Evaluation


E.g.) Some people say cultural differences affect people’s behaviour. How do you think about this opinion?     


賛成(Agree): That’s so true / That’s for sure / That exactly how I feel / No doubt about it / I suppose so

反対(Disagree): I don’t think so. /I’m afraid I disagree. / I totally disagree with it. / I beg to differ. / I’d say the exact opposite. / Not necessarily. 

一部賛成(Partly agree): (I think) that’s not always true. / I partly agree with it. / That’s not always the case

Questionタイプ3 Past


E.g.) How did people make an appointment in the past when they didn’t have a smartphone?


過去を表す表現: used to / In the past / In those days


How has transport in your city changed in the last 20 years?

Transport in my city has changed dramatically over the last 2 decades.


Questionタイプ4 Future


E.g.) How do you think people in the future will manage their time?


未来を表す表現: It is predicted that / I foresee / I envisage / It is foreseeable / It is likely that — will — / It is probable that


I reckon that in 50 years’ time we will all be making arrangements through our person robots.

By 2050, we will have done away with / got rid of physical diaries and calendars.

By 2050, we will have been using microchips in our brains to organise everything for a long time.

Questionタイプ5 Cause and Effect


E.g.) Why do people miss important events?


because / as a result / result in / as a consequence / due to / lead(s) to

It could be because… / One reason could be… / Perhaps it’s due to…

Questionタイプ6 Hypothetical


E.g.) If your family or friends missed an important event, how would you feel and what would you do for them?



If she helped me, I could finish my work.


If she had helped me, I could have finished my work.


If she had helped me, I could finish my work.


Questionタイプ7 Compare and Contrast

E.g.) Do you think older people are more punctual than young people?


Compare: compared with / comparatively / likewise / similarly

Contrast: conversely / nevertheless / otherwise / on the other hand


Part 3 Sample answer

Question 1 (Opinion)

Do you think it is important to be on time?

Before improvement

I’m sure punctuality is one of the most essential elements in personality. Especially, in Japan, many people are educated to keep time from younger age, and it is related to credential of a person. For example, when university students are doing job hunting and if they are late for their job interview, they can’t get an offer from that company.

Score-up Speaking

I strongly believe punctuality is a valuable personal quality. Especially in Japan where many people are taught to be on time from an early age, it can affect a person’s reputation. For example, when university students who are job hunting are late for their interview, they are unlikely to get an offer from that company.

Do you think —?で聞かれているので、自分の意見を述べる。

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • essential elements → a valuable personal quality
    • “essential element”日本人の言う”基本的な要素”を直訳しても伝わらない。essential:必要な/不可欠な = なければ人間として認められないの意味。valuableに変更。
  • where
    • 関係副詞whereでJapanを説明することで2文を1文に。
  • educated to keep time → taught to be on time
    • educated=訓練/勉強して身につける教育。普通に教わるのであればbe taughtで大丈夫
    • keep time: 時を刻む → on time: 時間通り
  • “related to credential of a person” → “affect a person’s reputation”
    • 「信用問題に関係する」と言う場合にはlose someone’s trustもしくはaffect a person’s reputationと言う。日本語のままrelated to credentialと言ってもネイティブには意味不明。
  • — and — → — who —
    • 関係代名詞を使って説明(university students who are job hunting)
    • 2文に分けるよりも関係代名詞を使って1文にしたほうがスコアが上がる
  • can’t → are unlikely to
    • 可能性を表すのであれば (be) likely/unlikely to—。can’tと言ってしまうと絶対にできない意味になってしまう。

Question 2 (Evaluation)

Some people say cultural differences affect people’s behaviour. What do you think about this opinion?           

Before improvement

I agree with this opinion. Japanese people are generally punctual. However, people from Latin American countries tend to be less punctual than we are. I believe culture affects behaviour by and large.

Score-up Speaking

I agree with this opinion. As I said earlier, Japanese people are generally punctual. On the other hand, as far as I understand, people from Latin American countries tend to be less punctual than we are. Therefore, I believe culture has a big impact on people’s behaviour. Having said this, I guess people’s behaviour is getting more and more similar, possibly due to globalisation and the influence of social media. Considering this, I agree cultural differences are becoming less and less.

Some peopleの意見に対してどう思うか?(賛成か反対か?)を述べてから、その理由を追加。Having said thisと言って、また自分の意見と反対の意見を言うことで説得力を強める。

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • As I said earlier / On the other hand
    • As I said earlier/ By that/ On the other hand/ Having said that/ In a nutshellなどはつなぎ言葉を入れて、前に話したことに関連することを話すことを示す。
  • as far as I understand
    • 「自分が理解している範囲では」と前置きして、Latin Americanの人々全員が時間を守らない傾向にあるという意味を避ける。
  • Therefore
    • 結論を表すサインポスティングワード。このように次に何を言うかを最初の単語で伝えることで聞き手は楽に話の流れをつかむことができる。
  • Having said this
    • Having said thisの前はCultureの影響があることを言って、後半(青文字)はCultureの影響は少ないという人の意見とその理由を述べて多角的な思考をアピール。

Question 3 (Past)

How did people make an appointment in the past when they didn’t have smartphones?

Before improvement

My parents told me people met together after deciding a location and time by phone. They had to wait for long when friends or partners missed the promise or had an accident on their way, which is incredible today. Smartphones were widespread when I was a junior high school student, and I haven’t experienced arranging to meet up with friends without a smartphone.

Score-up Speaking

According to my parents, people met up after deciding a time and place by phone. They had no choice but to wait for long when friends or partners failed to show up or had an accident on their way, which seems incredible in this day and age. To be honest, smartphones were already widespread when I was a junior high school student, and I haven’t experienced arranging to meet up with friends without such a gadget.


Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • My parents told me — → According to my parents, —
    • 自分で経験のしたことがないネタの場合は、他人の経験などをベースにする。
    • —が言ったを直接— saidでも伝わるが、アカデミックな場合で説明するにはaccording to—の方が適切。
  • met together → met up 
    • Phrasal verb(meet up)を使う
    • meet up: 人と集まる、meet: 会う/出会う
  • had to wait → had no choice but to wait
    • have no choice — but —:単に—しなければいけないではなくて、—する以外に方法はない。
    • had to waitでも文法的に問題はないが、少し違う表現をいれるのも加点につながる。
  • missed the promise → failed to show up
    • Phrasal verb(show up)を使う
    • missed a promiseよりもfailed to show upの方が自然
  • today → in this day and age
    • in this day and age:イディオム「今の時代」
    • todayでも正しいが、イディオムをできる限り入れていくのも加点につながる。
  • To be honest
    • 正直なことを言うと
  • smartphone → gadget
    • smart phones をgadgetにParaphrase
    • できる限り同じ単語の繰り返しは避ける

Question 4 (Future)

How do you think people in the future will manage their time?

Before improvement

I think people will much more rely on smartphones and computers. Now, many people use the technology to manage their time efficiently. Without such technology, we waste lots of time. In the future, as AI develops, it is expected that people will be helped by AI. This may cause problems about morality and humanity.

Score-up Speaking

I envisage people will rely much more on smartphones and computers. Now, many people use technology to manage their time efficiently. If we didn’t have such technology, it goes without saying we would waste lots of time.  In the future, as AI develops, it is highly likely that people will be helped by this, for example through automated reminders or highly advanced household robots which may spark a lot of debate about morality and cause great anxiety about the future of the human race. Elon Musk recently said that one day no one will have a job and the possibly of AI becoming more intelligent than humans and taking over is an ever increasing threat.


Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • think → envisage
    • 未来を表す単語envisage/expect(ed)とwillの組合せで未来表現。
    • I think (that) —でも文法的には正しいが、よく使う表現なので違う言い方に変えることも加点につながる。
    • it is expected— などIから始まらない構文に変えることもできる。
  • “Without such technology, we waste lots of time.” → “If we didn’t have such technology, it goes without saying we would waste lots of time. “
    • 仮定法「そのような技術が今無かったら、たくさんの時間を無駄にしていた」: 現在に対する仮定なので、”If — didn’t —, we would —“の形になる。
    • It goes without saying(—と言っても過言ではない)で仮定を強調

Question 5 (Cause and Effect)

Why do people miss important events?

Before improvement

It’s a challenging question. People miss an event when they are concentrating on something. For example, I forgot my best friend’s birthday last month as I was so busy with my study. Another reason is because they are not simply interested in the events. For example, I missed a work lunch a few weeks ago because to be honest I’m not that keen on socialising with colleagues outside of work. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just I don’t like going out very often.

Score-up Speaking

It’s a challenging question for me, as I do actually sometimes fail to remember big events. In my experience, people miss an event when they are concentrating on something. For example, I forgot my best friend’s birthday last month as I was so busy with my studies. Another reason that pops into my head is because they are simply not interested in the events. For instance, I missed a work lunch a few weeks ago because to be honest I’m not that keen on socialising with colleagues outside of work. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just I’m not much as a social butterfly.


Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • challenging question for me, as I do actually sometimes fail to remember big events.
    • 答えば思い浮かばない場合は、「自分にとっては—の理由でこの問題はchallengingだ」と言って時間を稼ぐ(沈黙は避けること)
    • あくまで自分にとって難しいだけなので、for meと入れておく
  • In my experience
    • 単刀直入に “People miss an event when—” としてしまうと全ての人がイベントを忘れてしまうことになる。ここでは自分の経験上のことなので、In my experienceとして使加える。
  • pops into my head
    • pops into my head:イディオム「頭に思い浮かんだ」
  • For example → For instance
    • For exampleはこの回答で使うのは2回目なのでFor instanceにParaphrase
  • going out very often → a social butterfly
    • a social butterfly:社交的な人、社交イベントやパーティーに積極的に参加し多くの人々と会話や交流を楽しむことが好きな人
    • このようなフレーズは大きな加点要素になるので積極的に入れる

Question 6 (Hypothetical)

If your family or friends miss an important event, how do you feel and what would you do?

Before improvement

Obviously, I will be depressed in such a situation, which I believe is a fairly common thing. Sometimes people may be irritated or frustrated, and the relationship may become bad.  I always try to think about the reason why they forgot the event. I believe we can prevent our relationship from being damaged. Of course, if it was avoidable or just because of their carelessness, I say not to repeat it.

Score-up Speaking

Obviously, I would be depressed in such a situation, which I believe would be a fairly common reaction. Sometimes people might be irritated or frustrated, and in a worst-case scenario, it might cause a rift in the relationship. Personally, I always try to think about the reason why they forgot the event as I believe it is the way to prevent our relationship from being damaged. Of course, if it were avoidable or just because of their carelessness, I would ask them not to do it again.


Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • will → would / may → might
    • 仮定法のwouldで、(イベントを忘れることはないけど)もしそうだったらと表現。
    • mayもmightにするなど仮定法に。
  • thing → reaction
    • thingなど汎用性のある簡単な単語は避けてreactionやfeelingという簡単でも具体的な単語を使う。
  • in a worst-case scenario
    • in a worst-case scenario:イディオム「最悪の場合」
  • become bad → cause a rift in the relationship
    • 人間関係が悪くなるという場合もそのまま言うのではなく、関係にヒビが入るなどと言うことで加点につながる。
  • Personally
    • 一般的な人々について言った後、Personally,として前置きをして、自分のことを言う。一般的なことか個人的なことか区別させる。
  • “we can —” → “it is the way to —“
    • ”we can—”でも正しいが、それ以外にも方法について話す言い回しを覚えておく。
  • repeat → do it again
    • repeat:はformalなのでdo it againにしたほうが自然な英語になる。

Question 7 (Hypothetical)

Do you think older people are more punctual than young people?

Before improvement

Yes, I think so. However, I don’t mean young people aren’t more punctual than old people. I know in the past people were educated to secure at least five minutes. Young people today tend to think that just-in-time is the best way of time management. This means arriving five minutes earlier is wasting time. This also contains the risk of being late. I believe this way of thinking in time management created the difference. I think it is true people in older generation are not late for appointments as they usually arrive earlier.

Score-up Speaking

Yes, I do. However, by that I don’t mean young people are lazier than those of the older generation. I know in the past people used to be taught to allow at least five minutes to have some wriggle room. Conversely, people in this day and age tend to think that just-in-time is the most efficient way of time management, which means arriving five minutes earlier is wasting time, even though this carries the risk of being late. I believe this way of thinking about time management has created this issue. In a nutshell, my view is that it is true people of the older generation are less likely to be late for appointments as they usually arrive earlier as a force of habit.

比較を問われているので比較級で答える。Do you thinkの問いにはYes/Noをはっきりと答える。

Score-up Speaking (主な改善点)

  • “Yes, I think so.” → “Yes, I do.”
    • “Yes, I think so.”よりも”Yes, I do.”の方が確信をもってYesと答えているニュアンスがある。
    • “Yes, I think so.”だと質問のDo you thinkのthinkを繰り返してしまっている。
  • by that
    • by that I don’t mean —:説明をするときの導入フレーズ「(しかし)—ということではありません」
  • aren’t more punctual → are lazier
    • 質問punctualが使われているのでParaphraseする。
  • old people → older generation
    • “old people”は老人のようなrudeなニュアンスも含まれるので、 ”older people”や ”people of the older generation”に変更。
  • were educatedused to be taught
    • 過去のことを表すのにused to—を使って、(今は違うけど)以前は—だったを表現。
    • educated: 訓練/教育をして学ぶ(フォーマルな表現)なので、シンプルにtaughtへ変更。
  • ”secure at least five minutes” → “allow at least five minutes to have some wriggle room”
    • 最低5分は確保する=secureを日本語的に使ってもネイティブには意味不明。
    • allow some wriggle room:時間に余裕をもたせる。
  • Young people today → Conversely, people in this day and age
    • Conversely,— としてin the pastと対比させた若い人のことを言うことを前置き。
    • 質問で使われているyoung peopleを繰り返すのではなくpeople in this day and ageと違う表現に変更。
    • in this day and age:イディオム「今の時代」
  • the best way → the most efficient way
    • best など汎用性の高い簡単な単語ではなくmost efficientなど具体的な形容詞に変更。
  • “This means —. This also —.” → “—, which means —, even though this —“
    • This—, This also—の文を並べるのではなく、関係代名詞(which)で前の文を修飾したり接続詞 (though)で文を繋げる。
  • contains the risk (of) → carries the risk (of)
    • containもinvolveも”含む”の意味で辞書にはあるが、containは容器の中に入っているイメージで、involveはAにBが付随するイメージ。
    • リスクがあるという言い方なら、carry the risk ofが適切。
  • created → has created
    • 現在完了形に変更(過去の一時的なものではなく、今なお継続してある事柄なので)
  • In a nutshell,
    • まとめを表すイディオム(In a nutshell,—)
  • I think → my view is that
    • 自分の意見を述べるのにI think/reckonを連発するのではなくin my view/in my opinionなどに変える。
  • are not late → are less likely to be late
    • less likely to—で可能性として低いという意味に。
    • ”people of older generation are not late”とすると絶対に年配の人は遅れることがないという意味になってしまう。

Part 0

Part 0とは?

IELTSのSpeakingは最初試験官の軽い挨拶とIDチェックから始まる。この段階はPart 0と呼ばれている。



Part 0 試験官の自己紹介

Good afternoon, my name is Elizabeth Calleya

Hi, good afternoon, Elizabeth.(Mrs/Miss/Ms/Mrは付けない)


Hi, good afternoon.(だけで試験官の名前を言わなくてOK)

Part 0 自分の名前

Could you tell me your full name?

My name’s Toshikazu Tsuboi 

My name “is” ではなく、isを短縮させてMy name’s (マイネームズ)と発音するとネイティブ風に聞こえる

What can I call you?

Please call me Toshi.

この段階では簡単に質問に答えるだけでOKなので余分なことは言わずに、”Please call me Toshi.”程度でOK。Toshikazuなどはネイティブには発音が難しいので試験中に試験官が呼びやすい短縮形をあらかじめ考えておく。

Part 0 パスポート/IDチェック

Can I see your identification, please?

Here you are.

Part 0 出身地

Where are you from?

I’m from Tokyo.

試験官によっては出身地を聞いてくる人もいる。ここでも回答はシンプルにI’m from Tokyo.くらいでいい。—県—市でそれはここから—kmくらい離れていて…などと答える必要はない。この段階では深く聞いてくることはないので、テキトーにTokyoと言う程度でOK。

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